How to place cutlery and glasses at Christmas and Christmas Eve meals and dinners?

This December 24th is Christmas Eve and families are already preparing the tables in their homes with joy and enthusiasm to receive their guests. This year, in addition, there is more desire than ever because the situation of pandemic 2020 prevented many loved ones from being able to get together. Therefore, the tables of today and this December 25 will look more beautiful than ever. Below we will tell you How to place cutlery and glasses at Christmas and Christmas Eve meals and dinners.

As for the cutlery, there is a lot of confusion in its order, but the most appropriate thing is put the forks for fish and meat on the leftin this order, and On the right, from inside to outside, the knife and spoon. It is important to place all the cutlery on the table in the same way as this gives a feeling of harmony and order.

As for the drinks, There are three that each guest must have in front of the plate. The order is from right to left. First it is placed that of wine and then of water. The glasses for toasting are placed after dinner.

The rest of the decoration

It is also essential christmas table decoration. That is up to the taste of each family but, for example, the candles They are an element that relaxes and helps create a wonderful Christmas atmosphere. Of course, it is important that they do not contain any fragrance as they will spoil the flavors and smells of the food.

He mantel It should match the dishes and the rest of the elements and experts recommend that it not have many details. It is preferred that it be a plain tablecloth so that it becomes a much more elegant table.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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