
Savannah Ryan Williamsa transgender woman of Cuban origin, was murdered by a gunshot to the head in the American city of Minneapolis, in the state of Minnesota.

The events occurred on November 29 when Damarean Biblea 25-year-old man, shot the victim, 39, after the two had sex, according to police documents.

Bible was arrested and charged with second degree murder.

The local organization Safe Haven Shelter & Resource Center He indicated on his social networks the shock over the murder of Savannah Ryan Williams.

Captura de Facebook/Safe Haven Shelter & Resource Center

Although it is not specified whether the victim was born in the United States or was an immigrant, the note published by the local media Minnesota Reformer collects the testimony of her younger sister, Kelly Stillday, where she says that “she had difficulty finding housing and employment because she was transgender.”

Meanwhile, Williams’ siblings asked that their sister be remembered for her outgoing personality and generosity.

Facebook/Them capture

The event fueled the debate on transphobia in the United States and motivated Williams’ family and friends to meet with legislators at the state Capitol in Minneapolis, where in addition to remembering the victim, problems that affect the LGBTQ+ community in all its areas were discussed. : security, job insertion and the right to decent housing, among others.

The death of this trans woman occurs in a year in which the Cuban community abroad also made public the murder of Anna Ivankova31, who was stabbed at her home in Athens, Greece.

Ivankova was found with multiple stab wounds in her apartment in Agios Panteleimon, last July, after the police were alerted by her landlady, who tried to collect the rent.

The Cuban had emigrated to Greece in 2019, after facing violence and discrimination in Cuba due to her gender identity, press reports on the case indicated.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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