
The former president of the United States, Donald Trumphas not been slow to react to the results of the presidential elections in Argentina, congratulating the elected president, Javier Milei.

With evident pride, Trump has expressed his support for Milei through his social networks.

“My congratulations to Javier Milei for a tremendous victory in the presidency of Argentina. The whole world was watching you! I am extremely proud of you,” wrote the former Republican president.

“You are going to transform your country and make Argentina great once again,” added the former US ruler, alluding to his iconic 2016 campaign slogan.

This congratulation was one of the most anticipated, since Milei has never hidden his admiration for the American politician and his own victory has inevitably been compared to Trump’s rise to power.

Milei’s image, accompanied by the message “Make Argentina Great Again”, resonates not only in Argentina but internationally, establishing Milei’s victory as a possible change in the country’s politics.

With a campaign marked by mass meetings and a focus on radical change in economic policies, including the proposal to adopt the US dollar, Milei has given new hope to a population suffering from a poverty rate close to 40% and inflation which has reached triple-digit levels.

Milei, 53, began as an economic influencer on Argentine television and has broken molds in the political spectrum of his country, being known for his direct speech and disruptive policies that have especially impacted the youth of the South American nation.

Regarding foreign relations, Milei has expressed his alignment with Western values ​​and especially with the United States and Israel, which puts him in a favorable position vis-à-vis Washington at times of growing rivalry with China’s influence in Latin America.

As Milei and his victory capture international attention, leaders from the region have issued their own congratulatory messages. However, the position of governments such as those of Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Mexico has not yet been heard.

At the diplomatic level, US officials have also expressed their willingness to collaborate with Argentina led by Milei, focusing on common objectives such as the defense of human rights and democracy, the fight against climate change, and the promotion of favorable investments to improve the situation of the middle class.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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