It is her premiere on the high seas.

From “Rosamunde Pilcher” to “Mountain Doctor” to “Munich Murder” – Lena Meckel (30) has played in all major TV productions for years. On New Year’s Day, the woman from Munich is going on a long journey with Florian Silbereisen (41) for the first time on the ZDF “Dream Ship”.

Meckel plays law student Natscha, who finances her studies with models, alongside Uwe Ochsenknecht (66) and Armin Rohde (67).

Lena Meckel on the “Traumschiff” with Armin Rohde (left) and Uwe Ochsenknecht

Photo: ZDF and Dirk Bartling Traumschiff photos: ZDF / Dirk Bartling

The actress to BILD: “Not only the game of these two German greats was impressive for me to see every day. But also as people, the two are simply great cinema.”

You could see a lot. “Text hangers are a foreign word for Uwe. The demand on oneself is correspondingly high, to come to the set well prepared in order to also deliver and not to attract attention due to poor preparation. Almost like in school back then. Except the teachers weren’t that cool.”

What was your best experience while filming “Traumschiff”? “When we sat together in a relaxed atmosphere in the evening and were allowed to listen to Armin’s stories from his life. Of course, it got particularly exciting when people talked about secrets.”

Enchanting smile: Lena Meckel during the

Enchanting smile: Lena Meckel during the “Traumschiff” shoot

Photo: Traumschiff photos: ZDF / Dirk Bartling

Lena Meckel plays with Gabriel von Berlepsch, Armin Rohde and Uwe Ochsenknecht (from left) in the Bahamas

Lena Meckel plays with Gabriel von Berlepsch, Armin Rohde and Uwe Ochsenknecht (from left) in the Bahamas

Photo: ZDF and Dirk Bartling Traumschiff photos: ZDF / Dirk Bartling

Florian Silbereisen is also “sympathetic and professional”. “When we met the team over a round of table tennis in the evening and Florian immediately greeted us warmly and directly by name, I was really pleasantly surprised. Since we both come from Bavaria, the perfect basis was already there.”

However, Meckel will not see the “Traumschiff” episode on TV. “I’m currently traveling through Sri Lanka with my own TukTuk and will start the year 2023 on my surfboard.”

Captain Max Parger (Florian Silbereisen, left) and staff captain Martin Grimm (Daniel Morgenroth) steer the

Captain Max Parger (Florian Silbereisen, left) and staff captain Martin Grimm (Daniel Morgenroth) steer the “dream ship”

Photo: ZDF and Dirk Bartling Traumschiff photos: ZDF / Dirk Bartling


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