Uber announced the launch of a specific account for teenagers. The novelty should help young people to travel alone more safely and under the supervision of parents or guardians.

Teen Accounts have three great different, built-in features:

  • Audio recordings enabled by default — U-Audio is free for drivers and passengers, but it is essential to avoid discomfort during the journey for the youngest;
  • RideCheck to check with passengers because the vehicle has been stationary for a long time when this happens — if the person does not respond, the center can take steps to find out what may have happened;
  • PIN to ensure boarding the correct vehicle — you will need to enter a code shared between driver and passenger for the trip to start.

Which Ubers can transport teenagers?

Only drivers with a certain platform time and well evaluated will be able to transport teenagers in their vehicles. Those who do not feel comfortable taking young people can refuse such races without penalty, informs the company.

There is no restriction on the type of vehicle that will transport these passengers, that is, all modalities must be contemplated.

Parents will have an active voice in the service and will be able to report any problems on behalf of the teenagers. Accounts will also be available for the Uber Eats service, used for food delivery, so those responsible can monitor what was ordered and how it was paid.

When does Uber for teens arrive?

The feature will roll out to users in select US and Canadian cities starting May 22. consulted by CanaltechUber Brasil said there is no forecast for this tool to arrive here.

Outside, the app will also start offering car seat trips for younger children. Nuna’s Rava branded car seats will be offered, capable of supporting newborns to children weighing 29.5 kg.

Here in Brazil, it is the obligation of parents or guardians to install car seats in cars – and drivers may refuse to take children. According to Brazilian legislation, the use of a baby seat is required to take babies and children under 10 years old.


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