UN denounces persecution against Guatemalan anti-corruption prosecutor

WASHINGTON.- Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights issued an international alert on Friday on the human rights situation in Nicaragua and El Salvador, also highlighting growing concerns in Guatemala.

Türk expressed his “deep concern” about the lack of cooperation from the regime Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, which has complicated efforts to monitor the human rights situation in the country. “Unfortunately, the lack of cooperation from the Ortega government has made monitoring the situation in Nicaragua extremely difficult,” said Türk, recalling that repression against opponents intensified following the 2018 protests.

In El Salvador, where President Nayib Bukele has implemented a harsh anti-gang policy, Türk warned that the heavy-handed strategy could have negative repercussions on human rights. Since the start of the “war” against gangs in March 2022, more than 81,000 suspected gang members have been arrested, but there have been concerns about the detention of innocent people under a regime of emergency.

“It is crucial that any response to violence respects international human rights,” Türk stressed, warning that exceptional measures should not be extended indefinitely.

The UN High Commissioner also addressed the situation in Guatemala, where he criticized the actions of the Attorney General. Consuelo Porraswho has carried out a “persecution” against former justice officials, journalists and activists who have investigated cases of corruption.

“The misuse of criminal law to persecute critics and opponents is extremely worrying,” said Türk. The campaign led to the exile of numerous former officials and activists, including former anti-mafia prosecutor Virginia Laparra.

Despite these concerns, Türk praised the Guatemalan president’s commitment. Bernardo Arevalo with the “rule of law and human rights.” However, he warned that democracy in Guatemala remains in danger due to the resistance of certain groups that try to maintain the “status quo.”

Türk’s intervention underlines the need for coordinated international action to address human rights violations in the region and ensure that government policies respect international standards of justice and human rights.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

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