You are currently viewing Unannounced visit of Marine Le Pen to Budapest, where she met Viktor Orban

The leader of the French extreme right, Marine Le Pen, was received in Budapest on Wednesday by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the two showing their unity nine months before next year’s European Parliament elections, reports France Presse and Agerpres agencies.

Marine Le Pen and Viktor OrbanPhoto: Vivien Cher Benko / AFP / Profimedia

Orban and Le Pen, who appeared smiling in front of the flags of Hungary and France, “discussed the situation of the right which is growing in strength in Europe, especially in the perspective of the elections for the European Parliament” in June 2024, he wrote on the X network (ex-Twitter ) Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs.

They urged to “jointly give a strong response to the imperialist ambitions of Brussels, its reckless economic policies and its pro-migrant initiatives”, adds the Hungarian official.

Marina Le Pen’s trip to Budapest was not announced in advance and it follows a visit to Italy, where in mid-September she participated in a large rally with Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, leader of the far-right League party.

Finalist in the last two French presidential elections, Marine Le Pen contracted a loan from a Hungarian bank worth more than 10 million euros for her 2022 election campaign.

The growing popularity of conservative parties, in power in Italy, Hungary, Poland or Finland, or on the rise in Austria or Spain, suggests a massive contingent of nationalist MEPs in the future European Parliament.

Marine Le Pen’s National Assembly party is affiliated in the European legislature to the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, while Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party has not joined any political group since leaving the European People’s Party (EPP) in 2021.

Tarun Kumar

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