Until when can postal voting be submitted in the European Elections and what is the deadline for 9J?

The next June 9millions of people are called to the polls for the celebration of the European elections, elections that are held in Spain on Sunday and the last ones were in 2019.

Many Spaniards will choose to send their vote by mail to be able to exercise their right to vote if they cannot go to the polls in person. In the last general elections of 2023, more than 2.5 million requests to vote by mail were registered, a record for elections in our country.

What are the key dates to request a vote by mail?

Voting by mail in our country can be requested until next May 30, both in person at the Post Office and electronically.

Once we have received by mail the corresponding documentation to cast our vote by mail, we can proceed to take it to the Post Office. The deadline to submit it will end three days before the elections, June 6 inclusive.. The time will depend on the Post Office, which is normally until 8:00 p.m.

And what happens if I live abroad?

Unlike previous electoral processes, The figure of the vote requested on June 9 no longer exists. That is, it is not necessary that Spaniards who reside outside the country have to request to vote. They only have to be registered in the Consular Registration Registration (RMC) and in the Census of Resident Absent Voters (CERA).

Starting on May 20, the Provincial Delegations of the Electoral Census Office sent by mail the documentation for the voters. In the following days, the ballots will be sent to residents abroad, who will also be able to download them from the INE website.

To vote, you can do so in person at embassies, consulates and centers authorized for this between the June 1 and 6. If you choose to send it by mail, you must do so from May 20 to June 6 and the documentation must arrive at the office before June 8 to be considered valid.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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