Former President Álvaro Uribe questions pressure to take him to trial

The former president of Colombia Alvaro Uribe Velez agreed with the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice, who decided to close the investigation against the former president Alvaro Uribe Velez for alleged influence peddling.

In your account red social X, Uribe mentions two cases against him that were closed. One of them is the alleged influence peddling, which The high court ruled this Monday, May 27, that “it does not constitute a criminally relevant fact” and inhibited itself from continuing with the process.

In the second case, the Supreme Court of Justice decided not to open a investigation in November 2022. This case, known as “ñeñepolitics”, involves the former president and the deceased rancher José Guillermo Hernández in the alleged purchase of votes for the presidential campaign of Iván Duque, who was elected president of Colombia in 2018.

In this sense, the Investigative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice rejected an appeal presented by journalist Gonzalo Guillén against the decision made by the high court on November 3, 2022. In that decision, the Court refrained from opening a criminal investigation against former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez in relation to the case known as “ñeñepolitics”.

The Court decided to recuse itself

This Monday, May 27, the Supreme Court of Justice decided to recuse itself and not continue with the investigation against former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez for the alleged crime of influence peddling, the first case that the former Colombian president reviews in his account X.

It is important to highlight that the office hour It was started by Javier de Jesús Uchima, governor of the colonial reservation Hemp Lomapiedra de Caldas. To whom it seemed that Uribe had committed a crime in 2019, when he was a Senator, by directly calling the then director of the National Land Agency (ANT) Miryam Martínez and asking her to intervene in a specific case of territorial dispute.

Apparently, Uribe was recorded calling former director Miryam Martínez on his cell phone to request help on behalf of the “small landowners” in the municipality of Riosucio (Caldas). In that area, there is a territorial dispute that the ANT must resolve, specifying the limits of several reservations. natives that adjoin private properties whose owners do not want to lose their land either.

The decision of the Supreme Court of Justice to close the investigation is based on the conclusion that there is insufficient evidence to continue with the criminal process against former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez for alleged influence peddling.

Procedural Fraud and Bribery of witnesses

Former president Álvaro Uribe faces a trial focused on the alleged crimes of “bribery of witnesses” y fred procedural. In 2012Uribe filed a complaint against Senator Iván Cepeda for allegedly offering money and legal benefits to former paramilitaries to testify against him.

However, the Supreme Court decided to investigate Uribe due to indications that he was linked to these crimes. Six years later, the Supreme Court called Uribe Vélez for investigation and in 2020 He ordered his house arrest, lifted a year later by Judge Clara Salcedo.

The Prosecutor’s Office presented evidence and testimonies that suggest that Uribe coordinated actions to obtain favorable statements for both himself and his brother in relation to accusations of links with paramilitary groups.

There were two estoppel requests between 2021 y 2023, both denied by the judges. On the 9th April of 2024the Prosecutor’s Office filed a formal accusation against Uribe for bribery and procedural fraud

The defense requested the annulment of the case, but criminal judge Sandra Heredia of Bogotá declared that the accusation has been formulated, beginning the evidentiary discovery stage.

If found guilty, Uribe could face up to eight years in prison. prison for procedural fraud and up to twelve years for bribing witnesses. Uribe denies the accusations and maintains that he never requested to bribe witnesses, arguing that this trial is about political retaliation.

(email protected)

Source: Social network account X of former president Álvaro Uribe Vélez, El Espectador, El Tiempo, El País, Infobae Voz de America

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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