US puts a price on the heads of the Aragua Train bosses, $12 million

MIAMI.- The United States government declared the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua a transnational criminal organization on Thursday and offered a $12 million reward for the capture of its main leaders.

The decision, announced by the Treasury Department, underscores allegations that the Tren de Aragua expanded its operations beyond Venezuela’s borders, spreading criminal activities including kidnappings, extortion and human trafficking throughout Latin America and beyond.

US authorities say the gang, which originated in Venezuelan prisons, now poses a significant threat to regional security. “They have taken advantage of the desperation of Venezuelan migrants to expand their criminal network, becoming involved especially in sex trafficking and other forms of exploitation,” a Treasury Department spokesman said.

The U.S. government statement also noted that the Aragua Train has not hesitated to resort to extreme violence against those who try to escape its control, including documented cases of murder as a warning to other potential victims.

The measure, which includes asset freezes and financial restrictions, seeks to weaken the operations of the Aragua Train and send a clear message about the consequences of participating in transnational criminal activities.

The criminal organization has also spread to countries such as Peru, Chile and Ecuador, according to its authorities. However, the Venezuelan regime’s foreign minister, Yván Gil, said that this is a “fiction created by the international media.”

Source: With information from AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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