Anyone who has ever had a great idea that nobody (yet) understood or actually wanted to apply can find out possible reasons for this from UX expert and psychologist Martina Mitz. In her keynote she at the enterprise JavaScript conference enterJS held, she provided insights into the hurdles of innovation. So it can also happen that some people like a product, but it doesn’t make the leap to the mainstream market.

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enterJS 2022: Keynote: The Human Factor in Innovation (Martina Mitz)

According to Mitz, one of the greatest challenges in the innovation process is the human component. As a certified psychologist and experienced UX designer, she brings light into the darkness: She shows a systemic approach to untangle this aspect and enable the participants to integrate what they have learned into their own process. To underline this, she presents real examples from her everyday work.

Martina Mitz

started in 1999 as a self-taught web designer. From the beginning, she followed a user-centric approach, although she was unfamiliar with the term user experience (UX) that is commonly used today. In 2007 she completed her (diploma) studies in psychology and began to work in the field of clinical psychology. It was at this point that Martina’s academic background and passion combined and she launched a career as a UX designer, initially referred to as a “conceptioner”.

The organizers will judge on June 21 and 22, 2023 dpunkt.verlag, heise Developer and iX the enterprise JavaScript conference enterJS in Darmstadt. In over 35 lectures discusses JavaScript and TypeScript language innovations, new and established tools and frameworks—including React, SvelteKit, and Astro—as well as accessibility and software architecture.

All-day workshops are available both on site and online.

Excerpt from the program:


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