Vctor Elas, from Los Serrano: Live 15 days with 60 euros

S, I was totally ruined. When I decided to be a musician, I went to live in Cádiz and set up a music studio. I had a problem here because they didn’t pay me a sick leave that they had to pay me and I was counting on that money and it ruined me. With these words, the actor Vctor Elas, who rose to fame with his role as Curro, the little one of The Serranoshe acknowledges in an interview with The world who went through economic difficulties.

My account was at zero. I had a bolus of 60 euros and with those 60 euros I lived for 15 days. But I went to live in Cádiz with two friends who are like two brothers and they taught me how to live like that. But I didn’t lose my house. If it happened to me again I would take flight again. Money is not everything and with less you can do more sometimesadds the young man, who is back in the Luchana theaters with the play #ISustainedthe story of a broken toy.

Ms informacin

  • The Canarian singer has chatted with El Pas about her career, her time at the Operacin Triunfo academy and even her wedding plans with Vctor Elas.

Although this was not the most complicated moment of his life. The death of my parents. It’s something you seem to be preparing for, but you’re not. My father died when I was 16 and my mother died two years ago. You always have a void left. You have things left to say and things that haven’t been said to you. But I have a lot of dark humor and I always try to bring out the positive side, she explains.

Boyfriend of

Vctor Elas is also, in addition to the child of The Serranosand actor and musician, Ana Guerra’s boyfriend, a quality he is sometimes even more known for, but he says it doesn’t bother him. I don’t think he is Ana Guerra’s boyfriend, honestly. I don’t feel like that at all. Once again, the media can do whatever they want. In fact, at the beginning, she and I talked a lot about what this was going to be like. Contrary to all surprise, there are more articles with Ana Guerra and Vctor Elas than Ana Guerra’s boyfriend or Vctor Elas’ girlfriend. Anyway, Since we have everything very clear at home, we leave our egos out. If I am Ana Guerra’s boyfriend I couldn’t be luckiersays the young man.

Who also points out what prejudice about him does bother him: The one that If you don’t appear on TV, you are nobody and you are not happy.. And I am very happy being in the back of the music. And on top of that I’m doing very well. I direct the Cadena Dial awards and many other things. I have a position of responsibility, but, in front of the people, you are not the singer and you are not in the focus.

We dismantled that part quite a bit. Life is not easy for anyone. When they see you on TV, they think that everything is easier because they don’t know the whole back of it.he adds.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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