Selena Gmez shares a photo on her Instagram stories and reflects on her change.

MIAMI.- The scope of Venezuelan writer Ricardo Adrianza transcend time and borders, because his second book, Letters to Ignacio, life and leadership lessons for my grandsonwas awarded in the twenty-fifth edition of the Award Latino Book International, held in Los Angeles, California.

He too coachpartner of Mazars in Venezuela, received recognition in the category of Most Inspiring Book for Young Adults, which caused him immense joy and happiness.

I could describe my feelings in two stages: first, reading the email I received from the president of the organization with such news, produced in me an indescribable emotion as I remembered all the effort and dedication I put into this work, and which initials the phrase that I have loved so much. manifested that when one writes from the heart, it will be perceived in the same way by the people who embark on the adventure of reading the book; the second stage, adorned by some tears, one of those that occur when remembering that this book carries a small part of our recent history as a family, and that it is repeated in the vast majority of Venezuelan families, brought about by the consequences of the diaspora. Venezuelan,” the author said in a statement.

“Also, I remembered my father, who wrote masterfully, but who never dared to publish, perhaps due to the economic pressure of those times. Remembering him is an act of recognition of the mark he left on me that, ultimately, “It pushed me to the adventure of writing,” Adrianza added.

Latin excellence

The International Latin Book Award, sponsored by the non-profit association Empowering Latino Futures, has been awarded since 1998 to recognize excellence in literature, of publications written by Latino and non-Latino authors that address issues related to the Hispanic population in the world. This edition had a record participation of entries and had the support of 221 judges.

It has been quite an adventure to compete with countless writers and publishers in a world unknown to me until a few years ago, but one that I decided to navigate motivated by my determination to leave each of my grandchildren a written legacy of values ​​and reflections, confessed the author and coach.

Ricardo Adrianza announced that among his next projects is the publication of his third book, which will be titled Letters to Emma and the philosophy of the Lord of the vegetables, whose name is related to a very particular situation that occurred in times of pandemic with his grandchildren Matas and Emma. I am very excited to be able to write his book to fulfill my promise of publishing one for each of my descendants, he commented.

About the Venezuelan writer

Ricardo Adrianza was born in Caracas in 1963. He is a practicing Public Accountant; He completed a Master’s degree in Neuromanagement and Talent Management, in addition to becoming coach Professional. He is a founding partner and leader of the Audit and Quality Management Division of Mazars in Venezuela (public accounting firm, member of Mazars International).

He is the author of two books dedicated to his male grandchildren: Letters to Matas. Life lessons for my grandson y Letters to Ignacio, life and leadership lessons for my grandsonwith which he prepared to leave a legacy to his descendants and new generations.

The epistolary saga represents a written reference of reflections and life advice, based on stories and experiences, which also serve to face everyday life in a more positive way.

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The Venezuelan writer Ricardo Adrianza presents his second book.

Courtesy/Julio Rojas

“We are living in a world that is crazy and full of mistakes, but I believe in the importance of being able to contribute from our plot and the best action I can do are these letters that I leave for my grandchildren to read when they are adults. “, Ricardo Adrianza declared exclusively to DIARIO LAS AMRICAS. “I always say that this is a plus for me, life insurance, because just imagining the moment when I have to sit down with my grandchildren to reflect on the book, it will be a wonderful act that can leave them like their grandfather,” the Venezuelan added.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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