The jungle camp as a love turbo: ex-boy band singer Marc Terenzi proposed to his girlfriend Verena Kerth in front of the camera – right at the first reunion after she was thrown out of the camp. Also singer Markus no longer fights for the jungle crown.

Verena Kerth gets engaged after jungle off

That happened quickly: In the RTL jungle camp, Verena Kerth had fantasized about how much she wanted to marry friend Marc Terenzi (“I have to get married!”) and how she imagined the party: two days of party minimum, white dirndl, bells and whistles. The ex-boy band singer was apparently already one or two steps further. As soon as Verena was on her way back to civilization, he had the RTL team cart her to a beach, where he was already nervously waiting – all in white with a bouquet of flowers.

Marc Terenzi asks Verena Kerth the question of all questions

Short hug, nervous mumbling, “I’ve missed you like crazy.” Then Sarah Connor’s ex-husband and Jenny Elvers’ ex-boyfriend got on his knees and asked the radio presenter the question of all questions. Kerth responded, as expected, and then, ring on finger, exulted, “Sometimes you have to lose to win!” Moderator Jan Köppen commented mockingly: “By the way, we had to shoot the application three times, the first two times Marc used the wrong first name.”

Despite the marriage proposal, there is great drama in Australia

While Marc and Verena are probably on cloud nine, camp resident Lucas Cordalis has no idea that his mother-in-law Iris Klein separated from her husband Peter via Instagram at the same time. He is staying at the Hotel Versace in Australia as Lucas’ companion. Just like a certain Yvonne, who in turn accompanies Djamila Rowe. The Katzenberger mom is convinced that something is going on there. Peter Klein and Yvonne have already denied it, but Iris continued to curse her husband with publicity postings. Under these circumstances, one can only wish Lucas Cordalis that he doesn’t have to leave the camp so quickly.

There is a dispute in the jungle camp

But even in the camp itself, events took a turn for the worse on day 9: Tessa and Cecilia let their argument from the day before flare up again. Cecilia did not want to be called “baby” and “sister”, Tessa then called Cecilia “aggressive”. The reality TV contestant told the model that she would apologize “zero point zero percent” because Tessa was “completely insane.” Tessa: “You put yourself in front of me!” Djamila tried to calm the hotheads, but quickly realized: “They won’t be best friends anymore.”

Gigi’s longing for food is very strong

Gigi Birofio and Cosimo Citiolo are now good friends. The “Checkar vom Neckar” went with his bro and Cecilia into the jungle phone – driven by hunger and with an unprecedented idea, Cosimo thought: “We’ll do a great show for three and there’s a doner kebab for everyone with everything!” The fat show consisted of Cosimo rapping half-cooked, Cecilia sitting next to him uninvolved and Gigi pulling down his pants out of sheer desperation and sticking his bare buttocks into the camera. “I would do anything for food!” Said the 23-year-old – but the action was not rewarded. Due to further rule violations, the camp residents had to give up all luxury items. No problem for Gigi, who only really fears one thing: quitting cigarettes. “If they take away my cigarettes, I’ll burn the jungle!” he uttered threats as a precaution.

During a nightly treasure hunt, Gigi and Cosimo finally had to prove how good they are with eggs. With a kind of Mikado in a wicker basket, the aim was to bring as many eggs back to the camp as possible intact. But in the end there were only four eggs left in the basket – and an immoral offer: either the two share the yield with the other camp residents or they enjoy a pizza alone. Cosimo: “Of course the eggs!” Gigi: “Brother, four eggs for eleven people? That’s never enough! We eat the pizza.” Said and done. While Gigi celebrated every bite and felt reminded of an “orgasm”, Cosimo was already plagued by a bad conscience about this selfish original sin: “It’s like Adam and Eve with the apple,” he said.

Speaking of food: In the jungle test, “delicacies” such as pig brains, cow noses and beef anus landed on the plate again: Jolina Mennen and Markus Mörl chewed, choked and struggled honestly, but in the end they could only bring home four out of eleven possible stars. “It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever eaten,” said the NDW singer afterwards. Despite his efforts, not enough viewers called for the 63-year-old. He had to leave the camp in second place.

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