Victor Sandoval, dressed as an insect at Nacho Cano's press conference

During the early hours of Tuesday afternoon, the news broke that Nacho Cano had been arrested. The singer and music producer Malinche is accused of an alleged crime against the rights of the immigrant population and against the rights of workers for the alleged illegal hiring of 17 young Mexicans.

The artist, who was released a few hours after giving a statement to the police, gave a public press conference near Ifema, in the Cremados-Calvo law firm, in which he attacked the procedures of the State security forces. They are criminals and we are going to denounce them, If they find me dead in a ditch, they already know who did it, they arrest me for my friendship with Isabel Díaz Ayuso or Begoa Gómez is indicted and they have had to divert attention are some of the opinions that he expressed at the event.

Dozens of media outlets have arrived at the Madrid fairgrounds, summoned almost unexpectedly. And, among all the journalists present, Víctor Sandoval stood out above the rest. The Ni que furamos Shhh collaborator, amidst all the formality, showed up at the press conference dressed as an insect.

The Quickie show, which was broadcasting live, had Sandoval on his way to meet with a source who was going to give new information about the Scarce Case. However, from the set, Mara Patio and David Valldeperas, presenter and director of the format, urged him to suddenly change course.

The sequence was Dantesque. Because of the communication systems, Sandoval’s colleagues’ instructions were delayed. It took him a long time to understand what was being asked of him and he even uttered more than one expletive without really being aware that he was in a live broadcast.

Change of suit

Once in the law office, two workers warned him about the inappropriateness of his clothing and offered him a jacket to cover himself. However,Sandoval entered as if he were an insect, although it took him only a few minutes to leave looking for a store to change. This is a very serious matter, he said.

With her camera in hand, she went into a shop to buy clothes appropriate to the occasion. There she changed in front of the astonished gaze of the shop assistant and headed back to Ifema to cover the press conference. Not content with that, he still had time to find his initial interviewee in the middle of a Mercadona.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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