West Park, the place where they found the man’s body

While the mayor of rosary beads, Paul Javkinand the governor of the province of Santa Fe, Omar Perottilaunch their plan to combat the drug trafficking and insecurity in the city of Santa Fe, the crimes continue. In that sense, yesterday, they found the body of a man who was stabbed to death.

The discovery of the body was recorded in the morning, after 08:30 in the vicinity of Parque Oeste de Rosario, more precisely, on Magallanes and Riobamba streets. A group of people were in charge of notifying the city police, since they found this terrifying scene when they arrived at the park to place the stalls for the fair that takes place every weekend in that area.

Once the authorities were notified of the incident, members of the 32nd police station arrived shortly and preserved the crime scene. According to information from telamthe case was in charge of the prosecutor of the Intentional Homicide Unit, Ademar Bianchini, who requested the commission of the crime cabinet to carry out a visual inspection and the corresponding survey of the scene; In turn, he ordered that the photographic tests and the collection of testimonies from the neighbors and the people who found the body be carried out so that they can provide some type of information about the homicide.

In this way, the body was transferred to the Legal Medical Institute so that the autopsy and identification tests not only to get to know the victim, but also to begin to investigate the motives behind the murder. So far, the only information that is known about the man is that he would be between approximately 50 and 60 years of age.

Although some testimonies have already been revealed, no resident of the neighborhood could give precise information about the event, according to judicial sources close to the case confirmed to The Coast.

This homicide occurred just two days after a group of people tried to kill a 30-year-old man during a party. The event occurred in Caupolicán and Leyva streets, a neighborhood Magnanoaround 6 in the morning.

The shooting took place in Caupolicán at 300
The shooting took place in Caupolicán at 300

According to the witnesses, it all began when at least five people on motorcycles arrived at the house where the party was taking place, entered the home and began shooting.

The victim was identified as Fernando Andrés, who received seven bullet wounds, which is why he was admitted to the Clemente Alvarez Emergency Hospital (HECA) with reserved prognosis. He has injuries to the abdomen, lower back, right leg and one of his armpits.

The same guests of the party were the ones who notified the Police, so the troops were present at the scene with the prosecutor on duty from the Flagrancy Unit, who ordered the Criminalistics Cabinet to carry out the pertinent expert reports.

These crimes are not isolated events in Rosario, since only in the month of January 19 murders were registered. In fact, during 2022, 288 homicides were recorded in the big rosary.

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Most crimes are linked in some way to drug trafficking. The different gangs do not hire hitmen to kill, but also to attack different public organizations such as health centers and police stations.

For this reason, Javkin and Perotti will try to combat the presence of drug trafficking in the streets with a greater presence of federal forces, a measure that had the endorsement of the president. Alberto Fernandez and strengthening controls in prisons to prevent organized crime from the prisons, something that will be complemented with more prison work.

Keep reading:

Omar Perotti met with Pablo Javkin: the keys to the plan that tries to combat drug trafficking in Rosario
Rosario narco: between deaths and drugs, a trip to the interior of the city besieged by violence


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