virus from abroad pauses increase in fuel prices, according to the regime

MIAMI.- “The decision has been made to postpone the implementation of a government projection linked to the update of fuel prices and their marketing in a selected network of service centers to sell in foreign currency,” the Deputy Prime Minister of Economy said this Wednesday. and Planning of Cuba, Mildrey Granadillo de la Torre.

The reasons? “The occurrence of a cybersecurity incident in the computer systems for the marketing of fuels, the origin of which has been identified as a virus from abroad.” “We are doing an investigation,” he said in a statement broadcast by the Caribbean Channel and Cubadebate.

The government official did not give a new date for the entry into force of the measure, which was to begin this February 1, but she did emphasize the fact that the measure to increase the price of fuel responds to a plan to improve the economy. “You will be informed in a timely manner when the conditions are created.”

Rumors of a hack to CIMEX servers have emerged on social networks these days, in addition to reports of technical problems at gas stations that prevented fuel refueling.

A ‘package’ full of blows for the people

2024 began with the call to continue tightening belts in a country wounded by a systemic crisis that encompasses not only monetary needs, but damage to moral education, the violation of human rights and deplorable medical care.

On January 8 of this year, just on the anniversary of the entry of Fidel Castro and the bearded men into Havana, the television program La Mesa Redonda, a broadcast space for the Communist Party of Cuba, announced the increase in the prices of various goods and services.

On March 1, the electricity rate is expected to increase by 25% starting at 500 kwh, for those who consume the most electricity (that is, the residential sector), which causes many to predict a summer of blackouts and hardships

Vicente de la O Levy, Minister of Energy and Mines, explained in the television program that In Cuba, the residential sector represents 61% of Electric Energy consumption and 39% of the non-residential sector. And to make it more didactic, they presented several graphics.

Electricity consumption in Cuba, according to the Electrical Union. Round Table / Cubadebate

Electricity consumption in Cuba, according to the Electrical Union.

Round Table / Cubadebate

“We have endured this non-residential sector due to the savings restrictions that are directed towards that sector, both fuel and electrical energy.”

“Why is the electricity rate increased for high consumers?”, they asked themselves in a one-way program where the voice of the people is conspicuous by its absence. And they answered: “In the case of electricity, the measure is intended to save“said the Minister of Energy and Mines.”

“It is not to harm anyone,” he assured, “we know that we have reserves to achieve savings in our homes, that without reducing the standard of living we can adjust to 500kWh or be very close to them. There are clients who go over 500kWh in July and August, but then not in the rest of the year.”

Fuel, at a heart attack price

The Minister of Energy and Mines had justified that the increase in fuel prices was a necessary measure that was part of a series of changes to address a fiscal deficit that in 2023 reached 18%. The purpose of the price increase was, he said, “to buy fuel, to be able to supply ourselves,” and thus have “a stable supply.”

New fuel prices in Cuba – Ministry of Finance and Prices-Cuba

New fuel prices in Cuba, which had been scheduled for February 1, 2024, before being postponed due to an alleged cyber attack.

New fuel prices in Cuba, which had been scheduled for February 1, 2024, before being postponed due to an alleged cyber attack.

Ministry of Finance and Prices-Cuba

These days, Cubans were looking at the new prices announced at some gas stations, while they waited in long lines to secure the necessary fuel.

Many Cubans protest, insulted, by the abrupt increase in prices. It is not for less.

Liter of regular gasoline: $0.20 (25 Cuban pesos) to $1.10 (132 pesos). Increase by 528%.

Liter of special gasoline: $0.25 (30 pesos) to $1.30 (156 pesos). 520% increase.

Hence, those who transport other people are preparing to increase the prices of the trips, which will generate a wave of discontent that adds to the inconvenience due to the lack of food and disproportionate prices compared to salaries. .

For tourists too

There is also a ‘package’ for foreign tourists who venture to know the “island of the revolution” and who want to experience the romance of Cuba as an ideal destination. Those who rent vehicles will have to pay for fuel in foreign currency.

Embed – Update of fuel prices in Cuba postponed

Cuba_ Electricity and liquefied gas prices increase (+ Video) _ Mesa Redonda.pdf

Source: Cubadebate // AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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