The Ukrainian president must deliver a message during the song festival in Italy. An intervention that caused a stir within the local political class.

A video intervention by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during the next edition of the Sanremo music festival (from February 7 to February 11) in Italy is causing a stir among the local political class.

A pre-recorded message from President Zelesnky is to be broadcast during the event, which will be broadcast on RAI on February 11. In this two-minute video, he thanks Italy for its support in the war against Russia.

“The festival and nothing else”

According to local media, this filmed intervention was almost suppressed under pressure from several members of the RAI board of directors. Many members of the political class have also denounced Zelensky’s involvement.

“Let’s hope that Sanremo remains the Italian song festival and nothing else,” said Matteo Salvini, vice-president of Italy’s Council of Ministers and leader of the far-right Northern League party.

“I hope the war will end as soon as possible and that Sanremo remains a place dedicated to music,” he added.

“A mistake”

“Our support for Ukraine is beyond doubt,” tweeted Carlo Calenda, leader of Action, a social-liberal party. “However, I believe it is a mistake to mix a musical event with a message from the president of a country at war.”

Zelensky has made similar appearances at the Grammy Awards and Golden Globes ceremonies in recent months. He also participated in the opening ceremonies of the Cannes and Venice festivals.


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