Rodolfo Sancho decided a few days ago to dispense with the services of Khun Anan, the Thai lawyer who was in charge of defending Daniel Sancho after the young man confessed to having murdered and dismembered Edwin Arrieta. The actor look for a specialist who has dealt with this type of crime before since the case “enters a decisive moment” in which an experienced lawyer is key when leading this procedure.

A professional ‘breakup’ between Rodolfo Sancho and Khun Anan that, first, She seemed friendly since the Thai claimed to be “fed up” with “the media pressure” that he experienced “from Madrid.” However, It seems that Daniel Sancho’s former lawyer has not taken the termination of his services well at all, as reflected in his latest statements.

And Khun Anan does not hesitate when it comes to attacking the popular actor. This is what they say from ‘TardeAR’, Ana Rosa Quintana’s new space on Telecinco. Alejandro Rodríguez, reporter for the aforementioned media, reflects the Thai’s feelings: “It seemed to him an absolute lack of respect that neither the Spanish lawyers nor Rodolfo Sancho spoke with him at any time when he was entrusted with his son’s case.”. “Nothing like this had ever happened to him in twenty years of his career,” he adds.

Rodolfo Sancho and his lawyer, Marcos García Montes at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas airport.


Rodolfo Sancho and his lawyer, Marcos García Montes at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas airport.Jose RuizEuropa Press

The truth is that Khun Anan and Rodolfo Sancho only exchanged words on one occasion: at the Bangkok airport a few hours before the actor returned to Spain. “They only talked for fifteen minutes. Khun Anan says that conversation was of no use to him”says the ‘TardeAR’ reporter.

Silvia Bronchalo and Rodolfo Sancho, at war

Daniel Sancho’s parents are fighting to represent their son in Thailand; an issue that further fuels rumors of a bad relationship between them. And Silvia Bronchalo and Rodolfo Sancho are carrying out the same procedures in the Asian country, but days apart. “Silvia has requested a power of attorney that allows her to represent her son to make decisions for him. His ex-partner asked for it two weeks ago,” they say from Telecinco.

“The head of the Koh Samui provincial court has finally accepted the power of attorney that Silvia requested. It will serve you solely and exclusively to access police documentation on your child’s case and obtain copies of it. Something that Rodolfo Sancho had already achieved last week,” they highlight in ‘TardeAR’.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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