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Voluntary exit from Germanys Next Topmodel because of the makeover

Every year again: The dreaded makeover claims another victim. Because a candidate would rather go voluntarily than have her long black hair cut. Not the only surprising departure for Heidi Klum.

It’s that time again: makeover at “Germany’s next top model”! While Heidi Klum can’t wait to give the candidates new hairstyles, most of them are panicking about it. First and foremost Sarah. The 19-year-old, who is a hairdresser herself, fears that her long black hair will have to suffer. “I like myself the way I am. I don’t want to change”says the woman who has been compared to actress Megan Fox for her looks.

Despite an impressive array of celebrity stylists, Sarah sinks into the GNTM styling chair like a heap of misery. “You don’t have to be nervous, it’s just hair,” she tries to reassure a Michael Hutchence lookalike. In vain. While Heidi Klum treats himself to a coffee, Sarah’s panic breaks out more and more: “I’m really sick,” she complains and cries, “I have to know what length it should be, otherwise I’ll go!“She then suddenly announces. Everything that is shorter than shoulder length is a no-go for her, explains the Osnabrück native.

Heidi Klim tough: “The rules are the same as every year”

Heidi Klum digs deeper: “Definitely?” But Sarah is certain: “Yes! I don’t want to pretend.” She cries herself out with the other girls and asks them to understand: “When my hair gets that short, I can’t ponytail anymore – just a P..mmel ponytail!” All attempts to persuade her to stay are in vain.

Sarah’s decision is clear: “I’m out! I want to feel good, I don’t go to any shows, I prefer to stay true to myself.” Heidi Klum announces to the shocked GNTM candidates that the 19-year-old is out: “The rules are the same as every year and that’s why Sarah is leaving us today,” explains the 49-year-old tough.

“Look like a mixture of Nena and Bill Kaulitz”

ProSieben / Richard Huebner

Selma is happy about the makeover.

Selma (18) is particularly upset about this: not only that she loses a good friend. She’s also not convinced of her new look: Instead of the long brown hair, she now wears a shorter fringed cut in rosé – her declared anti-color: “Digger, I’ll look like a flamingo”, she fears while dyeing. But she can get used to the pastel result to some extent: “I look like a mixture of Nena and Bill Kaulitz,” says Selma with a laugh.

Anya’s anticipation is overwhelming at first: “I want to get rid of this disgusting, boring hair,” says the Berliner. But when her hair gets shorter and shorter and shimmers in dark blonde instead of blue or pink (her desired colors), tears come to her eyes. Then follows the classic sentence: “I look like a guy dude!” The contestants in the villa who don’t get a makeover feel the same way: “OMG! How bad that looked!“Leona and Jülide gossip about Anya’s new hairstyle: “I’m not allowed to laugh, people! She just got a men’s haircut,” they gossip.

Zoff because of the new hairstyle: “She looks like a boy”

ProSieben / Richard Huebner

Heidi Klum with candidate Anya.

Anya’s new hairstyle is also the reason for a heated argument between her and the Austrian Elsa. “She can’t handle it. She looks like a boy,” says Elsa, without mentioning Anya’s name. She overhears everything and calls Elsa “fake” because she doesn’t say that to her face. Elsa shoots back and in turn calls Anya “an actress”. One word leads to another and Elsa is certain: “I’m ignoring her now, that’s my character.”

Unfortunately, Elsa also ignores all the tips from guest judge Alessandra Ambrosio during the decision walk and misses her assignment. The candidates sit on styling chairs and should show their new hair with confidence. Anya previously thanked supermodel Ambrosio for tips because she “never actually practices.” Heidi Klum is perplexed: “It’s the strangest thing I’ve ever heard,” she shakes her head. And the guest judge also recommends that the 19-year-old better practice the walk next time. Anya is purified afterwards.

GNTM favorite leaves voluntarily, Heidi wants to “never stop travelers”

ProSieben / Richard Huebner

During the decision walk, the models have to present their new hair.

It’s another candidate who shoots the bird and weakens: Curvy model Jülide crashes colleague Vivien’s walk, forgets to open her hair and looks completely screwed up overall. “Do you know the expression Worst Case Scenario?”, Heidi Klum asks her. “That’s exactly what it was today.”

But the 22-year-old is lucky because: Surprisingly, another candidate announces her voluntary exit. Favorite Tracy (25) throws in the towel. “I don’t deal well with the stressful situations, the cameras and the drama in the villa,” she explains, and she also misses her family and her privacy. Heidi Klum remains professional when saying goodbye: “I think you would have come very far,” she says to Tracy, “but I never want to stop travelers.”

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