Find out what fate has in store for you this Wednesday, February 1, 2023 with the best of horoscope of Walter Mercadocheck the predictions of your day, your lucky number and start the day on the right foot. ohThe Truth News wishes you good fortune!


Planetary energy now offers you opportunities to study, cultivate your talents and improve yourself in what you like to do the most. You will have a very special place with your family as they will love and accept you as you are. Both work and your home complement each other to make your life very pleasant.

lucky numbers: 5, 28, 1.


You will put your mind and heart in order. You will recognize the time wasted with totally incompatible people who have not made you happy. You will give yourself respect and you will seek to love whoever really shows you respect, admiration, fidelity and both emotional and material stability. You will say no to deceit, jealousy and doubts.

lucky numbers: 46, 7, 19.


Situations have arisen in your family life that have made you mature and, above all, develop infinite patience with those you love. Now you will continue breaking patterns in your life, expired and obsolete. Your public image is exalted and you will give your best face to the world. You will spread your light wherever you are.

lucky numbers: 3, 20, 28.


The foreigner and foreigners will have a strong influence on you. Every trip will be a lot of fun and will give you new life. All the artistic talent that is locked in you will open doors that were closed. In love there will be no complaints since your power of seduction is multiplied.

lucky numbers: 14, 10, 2.


Unfinished business from the past comes back for me to put an end to it. Laugh at gratuitous comments and attacks as you will be on top of it all. Your instability ends and you anchor yourself in the safe and stable. You will realize that you have evolved spiritually and that your best guide will be your own inner teacher.

Lucky numbers: 14, 3, 41


Say yes to what life offers you. Take care of your health by respecting medical authority, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and practicing a positive mental attitude. Continue cultivating your intellect through books, music, the arts. Never lose faith and you will achieve the impossible.

lucky numbers: 22, 8, 41.


Your image and the concept of yourself changes, it makes you more attractive and charismatic. Romantic opportunities will surprise you in strange and exotic places. You will join, either for love or friendship, very special beings. There are very positive changes in terms of money and investments.

Lucky numbers: 44, 15, 2.


You are in a period of spiritual revolution. You will bring light and guidance to many beings who are in darkness and ignorance. Your extrasensory faculties are exalted. You will discover everything and you will intuit everything. You will break with addictions and feelings of guilt. You will get out of expired ideas that limited you.

lucky numbers: 18, 11, 23.


Everything artistic will now give you the opportunity to demonstrate all your inner wealth and talents to create and beautify the world in which you have lived. The confusion in love ends. Now only those who know how to give you peace and calm will be by your side. Keep in mind that in love we always receive what we sow.

lucky numbers: 5, 33, 29.


Your profession will now keep you very active. Act vertically, transparently and from the heart and you will receive recognition. You will feel that you are on the right path protected by beings of light that will keep you away from what is harmful and problematic. Your children, if you have them, will make you proud and happy.

lucky numbers: 9, 46, 12.


Control the rhythm of your life. Do not live so fast since what is for you no one takes it from you. Slow down on everything. Now you will be given the opportunity to reflect, analyze and decide what really suits you and to know how to make you pay dearly. Everything related to metaphysics will powerfully call your attention.

lucky numbers: 37, 11, 6.


Your consciousness expands and you will have more direct contact with your spirit guides. What you have sown in previous years will bear fruit now. You will feel emotionally strengthened. The Cosmos conspires to make you happy. You will feel free and absolute owner of your destiny. Beings come into your life who will know how to value you.

Lucky numbers: 1, 32, 50.

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