We are a result of what Miami is

MIAMI.- “Miami is a city of many small romances,” said André Lopes, a member of Bacillia Latin pop group that rose to fame at the end of the 90s and that after a break, to explore solo paths, reunited.

And now, Jorge Villamizar and André Lopes, the two members who keep the band current, launch little romancessixth album study of Bacillus, which arrives after Alphabet (2021) and with which they proposed to show something of that cultural salad that identifies the city that has seen them emerge and evolve in the music.

“The idea was that the album sounded in the most organic way, that it sounded like when we played live, all the instruments at the same time. They are songs that we had not recorded before as Bacilos. Of the 11 songs, 10 are Jorge’s compositions and one is mine. They are experiences that are born from the soul, autobiographical stories, personal experiences. That’s why the album is titled little romancesbecause it is a bit of the history of immigrants who have lived in Miami for more than 30 years,” said Lopes in an interview with DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS.

“We are a band from Miami, a result of what Miami is in its most basic composition, which is a mixture of nationalities, of influences of those who arrive, leave and leave something of their culture, their traditions, and very beautiful ones from here too. All that is on this album,” added the Brazilian bassist.

For Villamizar, author of hits like Caraluna o my first millionthe group has been faithful to its essence in the midst of the environment of a city that invites lightness.

“A colleague recently told me: ‘Bacilli survived Miami.’ Miami is a very superficial, very fast city. And Bacilos, in some way, is a band that always maintained its own identity, representing a deeper and more real side of this city, of us, the Latin immigrants who are here. Not from the millionaire people who come to spend money, but from this real experience. We are that voice, that important part of what this experience is in Miami,” said Jorge Villamizar, winner of six Latin Grammys.

Last night is the letter of introduction little romancesa theme with which -according to Lopes- they return to their beginnings.

“We decided to take Last night as the first single because it is a very Bacilos song, which takes us to the roots, to the beginnings of Bacilos. That’s why this song was a good opener for this album, because it is a memory of who we are,” said Lopes.

“Along with the album came out Climbing plant, which is a composition by Jorge, which he had recorded on disc as a soloist. And we have taken it to the world Bacillus. It is an incredible song, which talks about the good of an experience; You can visualize the images listening to the lyrics. We did it in a very organic way, with the presence of all the musicians, we made a very beautiful arrangement,” he added.

Bacilos burst onto the music scene in 1997, three years before releasing their self-titled debut album. In 2007 they paused to undertake as soloists and said goodbye to the public at the Viña del Mar Festival, where they received silver and gold torches. But a decade later they resumed work as a group.

Villamizar affirms that the public is that force that makes them coincide in the studio and on stage, although each one continues alone. And it was social networks that were responsible for that reunion.

“It’s the public. Bacilos is a brand, a band that people follow and recognize. We’re separated. And during the time we were separated, what they call algorithm emerged, which is what governs digital platforms. And we, without trying or making any effort, realized that we were very relevant on the networks, on the platforms. And it surprised us or made us understand and value what Bacilos meant to many people,” Villamizar said.

On how they have managed to remain current since their beginnings almost 30 years ago, Lopes reflected:

“We have remained ourselves, living in a city that turns everything into something temporary and trendy. And it is a city that, from afar, looks totally superficial. But throughout these 30 years we have maintained an identity as a band.”

After delivering little romances, which can now be heard on the platforms, are getting ready to present the album live. The band is preparing a tour of the United States and Canada. They will also visit Spain and Latin America.

“We have concerts in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​a couple of events in Guadalajara and Cartagena. We will take a vacation there in July and in August we will go to Peru, again to Mexico. In October we have a tour of the US and Canada. In December we will be at the festivals in Quito, in Ecuador. We are trying to set up something for the Southern Cone, in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay this year. Bacilos is a band that is always on tour, in one way or another. Between albums and the recording process, sometimes we stop to do concerts. So we never stop,” André Lopes said.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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