We celebrate July 5th without having a homeland in Venezuela

MIAMI.- Venezuelan constitutional lawyer and member of the Royal Hispanic-American Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Spain, Asdrubal Aguiarconsidered a faithful similarity between the historical feat that culminated in the declaration of Independence of Venezuela July 5, 1811 and the election date of July 28 for the rescue of national freedom.

“We celebrate July 5 without having a homeland in Venezuela. We must be aware of this reality. The Republic has been pulverized as much as the Constitution of 1999 – the original sin of the current – ​​has been dematerialized. But the serious thing is that the nation, support of our society and not only of the so-called political society, has been shattered throughout the current century,” he said.

Within the framework of the commemorative words offered during the talk “The spirit of July 5, 1811: civil time and civility in Venezuela” Read to members of the Venezuelan diaspora organizations, VenAmérica, and VAPA, Venezuelan American Petroleum Association, Asdrúbal Aguiar, a Venezuelan constitutional lawyer, also considered that the challenge of the new libertarian struggle facing Venezuelan democracy goes beyond the vote.

“It is a challenge to be addressed with zeal and great serenity; because if, as the swords of Carabobo achieved during the second battle in the siege that gave us real independence in 1821, such a feat is repeated in the present through votes, it will not be enough to achieve the supreme good of the freedom we have lost. The break with the Mother Country did not give it to us. Becoming independent from Cuba or Russia, or Iran, or China, is not what determines whether we are, I repeat it again with the words of Sanz, free as we should be.”

In his speech, Aguilar exhorts Venezuelans to remember their roots. “This is the meaning of meeting again around this important and patriotic date, to remember and strengthen the optimism of the will.”

“This is the meaning of meeting again around this important and patriotic date, to remember and strengthen the optimism of the will. And I use the expression of Father Jorge Bergoglio, who gave the booklet he gave me in 2005, to tell you that the coined phrase “until the end” implies the idea of ​​”The nation to be built.” That is what it is about, if we hope to reestablish the bonds of broken affection and seek a new agreement – to reconstitute our national consciousness – from the hearts: “first cleanse the heart of the old leaven,” Augustine of Hippo would say.”

On July 28, Venezuela is called to the presidential elections in which Edmundo González Urrutia is the unified candidate, sponsored by the opposition leader María Corina Machado, and will face the dictator Nicolás Maduro.

Recently, on July 4, the presidential campaign began, and the opposition kicked off with a monumental march in Caracas. A caravan toured the capital’s streets with Machado and González Urrutia at the front.

New public events and more tours nationwide are expected to encourage voters to vote.

Source: Writing

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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