We have fought all these years for this day

CARACAS.- The opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, He made statements after the closing of the polling stations in which he described citizen participation as “historic.”

“We are more than pleased with the expectations we have for the results,” he said.

Political leader María Corina Machado, for her part, urged the table witnesses to remain in the voting centers to allow the public scrutiny process to take place.

“Our witnesses have the right to have their testimony. This is something that is clearly expressed in the manual,” said Machado.

He also indicated that the vote counting process is a public process, contemplated in the current regulations, so he asked Venezuelans not to leave witnesses alone. “The best way we have to defend ourselves is civic presence… This crucial stage has arrived, we want to ask all Venezuelans to stay in the voting centers, to be there in community, civically, in vigil.”

He also insisted that they will not give projections or estimates of the results. “You know us, we do not speculate,” but he did say that reports indicate that “records were broken in all 24 states of the country.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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