How Belen invests from the Instagram profile

Born in 1984, Belen Rodriguez is currently one of the most prominent young presenters and showgirls. Often, in addition to her work on TV, we hear about her for her private life and her loves.

She’s also a mom very scrupulous and thoughtful of two children: the eldest is Santiago. She is 9 years old and is the fruit of the love between Belen and Stefano De Martino. The second stork carries the pink bow instead. We are talking about Luna Marì, who is about 1 year old and her father is Antonino Spinalbanese.

A career in full development with the participation and conducting of several TV programs

The well-known conductor has Argentine origins but he moved to Italy at the age of 19. She also seems to have some experience as a model but his work it is mainly expressed on TV. In fact, we find her leading or co-leading several successful programs. To name a few, we remember the beautiful one of the protagonists of “The Island of the Famous” in 2008 where it ranks second. And you know, to get to the final of the Island you need to have character.

Still, his name binds to “San Remo Music Festival” of 2011 and above all to the lucky one “Italia’s got talent” and on the satirical news “Strip the News”. Belen in the current television season is above all present at “Hyenas” next to Teo Mammuccari. Then he also starred in some films such as “Christmas in South Africa”, “There is no 2 without you” and “If you are like this, I’ll say yes”. But in the face of so much work, what is Belen’s assets and how does she invest?

Belen-from the Instagram profile

Belen-from the Instagram profile

The earnings of the presenter according to the chatterboxes

There aren’t many news about the presenter’s earnings and she probably doesn’t like to talk about it. Decision and choice understandable and to be respected in full. Some rumors refer to a heritage reported to 2022 by approx 2 million euros. A small figure compared to earnings to scream like the 10 million that Maria De Filippi seems to earn (instead). Here too, mind you, these are unverifiable indiscretions. In fact, we report them as such: mess-ups that we sometimes like to read. As for Belen also, it seems that his cachet for each apparition wander sui 30 thousand euros. If the information is correct, after all we have to acknowledge the showgirl and TV presenter, not to shoot too high.

Belen-from the Instagram profile

Belen-from the Instagram profile

What is Belen’s assets and how does it invest according to the rumors of the gossip chatterboxes

Also on the investment front, the presenter does not seem to express herself, thus exercising the legitimate right of confidentiality and privacy which, as an editorial team, we can only appreciate. However, it happens that the indiscreet go wild and taken from being avid fans of Belen, they go to snoop into the details of her private life. And where the eye doesn’t reach, the imagination takes over. So it is whispered that Belen is owner of a penthouse enviable in beautiful Milan and would also be big: 240 square meters. But more, owned by him it would also be a very elegant yacht which, always according to the incisions, bears the name of his first son, Santiago. So we could conclude that the Italian-Argentine that drives millions of followers crazy, so far chooses to invest in real estate.


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