What is on the technological horizon outside of Artificial Intelligence

Online gaming spaces thrive on technology available on the Internet. Beyond the intelligence artificial, which modified all types of sectors, in this text we are going to see the other technologies that are changing the way of doing things in all types of industries, from medicine to online casinos.

No more: What technology replaced mobile applications

At some point in recent years it was fashionable for each company, each business and each service to have its own app of phone. However, it was unrealistic for users to download so many applications, saturating the memory of mobile devices.

For this reason, progressive web applications, in English Progressive Web Apps or PWAs, emerged. It is a technology that runs within web pages and offers some functionalities similar to applications, without the need for a download. For example, they allow you to send notifications and access content without being online.

Since PWAs are friendlier to the level of user saturation, they are everywhere. News sites, sales sites and even some of the best online casinos in Spanish They use them to attract the attention of the public without having to go through the process of downloading a traditional application.

VR: “Glasses” technology promises

Recently Mark Zuckerberg announced that he is going to open source his virtual reality (VR) operating system Meta Horizon OS. This will allow other manufacturers to offer enhanced gaming, productivity and entertainment experiences within the Meta platform.

Meanwhile, Apple is also working hard to fix some of the problems present in the first version of Apple Vision Pro, its virtual reality glasses, in order to meet a growing demand in the technology market.

RA: Play within the limits of the physical and the real

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two sides of the same technological coin that is beginning to strongly enter video games and casino games at the same time.

While VR occurs within a 100% virtual setting, augmented reality takes real elements captured by a camera and combines them with digital characters and environments.

AR (or AR for its acronym in English) does not necessarily depend on expensive and external hardware. Users can access it with their mobile phones and computers, making it an infinitely more accessible technology than its “cousin”, virtual reality.

Although there is already a considerable offer of games with AR, it is likely that what we see today is a “free sample” of what will be available tomorrow, since the limits of these technologies do not seem to have found their ceiling.

How these technologies are used in online casinos

In the online gaming sector, competition is fierce. Therefore, operators are in a constant fight to see who incorporates these advances first. Casinos use progressive apps (PWAs) to send notifications to players and allow them a seamless experience in the most popular games.

On the other hand, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies also have their application in the sector. Through them, players can feel that they are in a real casino. Games that combine real roulettes or wheels of fortune with virtual characters are the order of the day in the live online casino segment. In the future, it will be increasingly difficult to differentiate the virtual experience from that of physically going to a real casino.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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