What is this coffee and how is it prepared?

MIAMI.- The Flat White is a coffee drink that has the peculiarity that it is prepared based on a double espresso to which micro-foamed evaporated milk is added, a specialty that has led it to become popular in the barista world in recent years.

This Monday, the technology giant Google surprised with a change in its image to pay tribute to this popular and delicious drink with a doodle, because on March 11, 2011, matte white was added to the Oxford English Dictionary.

What is it and when did it emerge?

The origins of this type of coffee date back to the early 1980s in Melbourne, Australia. However, for more than 30 years it has been disputed whether it emerged in New Zealand.

One of the best-known versions states that the Flat White comes from the result of incorrectly preparing a cappuccino in a shop in Wellington. Recipe that was later taken by baristas to different places in the world such as America and Europe.

Since then it has become one of the most famous coffees and has appeared on the menus of specialty coffee shops in the United States and the United Kingdom, as a perfect option for those coffee lovers who prefer it stronger and less frothy.

While some Australians choose the Flat White with a single shot of espresso. On the other hand, there are contradictions about whether it is better to serve flat white with espresso or ristretto, since some specialists claim that the latter ingredient provides a bitter flavor that distorts the original flavor of the drink.

A peculiar cafe

Although the Flat White is quite similar to cappuccino and latte, it has a peculiarity that makes it unique. A thin layer of hot milk or microfoam, much thinner than the one that traditionally tops cappuccino, which is also usually prepared with a single shot of espresso.

Most experts in this drink explain that the original Flat White is made from a double espresso coffee and a thin layer of milk emulsified with cream in which the flavor of the coffee is much more appreciated. However, many Australians prefer their flat white with a single shot of espresso rather than two.

The main characteristic to distinguish a Flat White from other coffees is the way in which the milk is prepared, which seeks to achieve a softer and silkier texture in a balanced way without losing the essence of both ingredients.

Another element that is part of the characteristics of a Flat White is the latte art that allows baristas to create works of art or designs on the foam.

How to prepare a Flat White?

Mainly, between 150 and 200 ml of milk should be heated to 65° without reaching the boiling point.

Then make a 60 ml double espresso, while heating the milk. For which you need between 18 and 20 grams of finely ground coffee.

Then place the espresso in a small ceramic cup of about 150 to 160 ml, and add the hot milk.

The secret to getting a perfect Flat White coffee with a harmony between the coffee and the creaminess of the milk is to serve from a certain height and carefully bring the jug closer to the cup as it is poured, to achieve a thin layer of foam that sticks out at the top.

This so-called microfoam, which is its main characteristic and gives this coffee its name, is the one that has a creamier texture that remains at the bottom of the container when vaporizing.


Source: With information from El Mundo y La Nación

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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