It is not a secret that the work stress has increased in our country after the arrival of the pandemic. Telecommuting, the workload and the pressure to adjust to new, more demanding production standards have made many people feel overwhelmed and ‘consumed’ by work. This situation, if not attended to in time, can jeopardize the Health Y personal welfare.

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To Tania Guimac Oblitas, organizational psychologist from the University of Piura, When people (it can be the workers or collaborators of a company) support more workload than they are prepared to deal with or solve at a specific moment, a typical situation of work stress is generated. “We can use the analogy of a machine: if we put it to work more than it should, it ends up breaking down”says the specialist.

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How do you know if you have work stress?

The most common symptoms are physical fatigue, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating and inability to keep up with the same activity. Many times sleep is also disturbed and this is reflected both in insomnia pictures like hypersomnia (falling asleep anywhere). On an emotional level, it predominates in the stressed deep feelings of sadness, irritability and emptiness. If stress persists over time, somatizations may appear on a physical level, such as headaches, muscle tension, contractures, gastrointestinal problems, among others.

What do I do to overcome this situation?

a situation of work stress it should not be taken lightly. If we find ourselves in a case with characteristics such as those described above, it is prudent to seek help from a mental health specialist. There are, however, some ways and techniques to combat the feeling of being overwhelmed at work, channeling the situation so that it has a positive impact. For example: It is advisable to be well organized when planning tasks to be able to complete them on time and that it does not result in a situation of pressure or fatigue.

“There is a saying that says ‘hurry up at a bad pace’ and this means that you should not leave things that are difficult or laborious for later. Pressure and stress increase when we leave activities to the last minute (procrastination). Doing things with a certain organization, then, this implies aligning personal life and work life”Guimac refers.

Another way we can deal with stress is with physical activity or exercise. With this, the body generates pleasure hormones that counteract stress levels. And it is also convenient not to neglect recreational activities. Knitting, painting, going out with friends, cooking, cleaning, getting massages, going for a walk or whatever we like are beneficial situations to combat anguish and boredom.

not everything is negative

Stress can sometimes have a positive side in our lives. It is what is called the ‘eustress’, the one who drives us to fulfill our dreams. For example, the pressure we feel when starting our own business, learning a new language, etc. and that the brain perceives as something motivating or beneficial because it leads us to an achievement. The change is perceived as less catastrophic and is used as an engine for learning. Thus, the body and brain are not overwhelmed, and the stress level decreases.


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