What will happen now that the Supreme Court granted Trump immunity in the January 6 case?

Supreme Court justices have ruled that former President Donald Trump has some immunity to avoid being criminally prosecuted for attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

In the past, the former Republican leader had argued that he should be granted total immunity against criminal prosecution for all matters related to his presidencyincluding his role in the January 6 Capitol riots.

The court’s complex ruling, which attempts to differentiate between official and unofficial acts, retrasa an ms the prosecution of the former president by Special Inspector Jack Smith.

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What would be the consequences of the Supreme Court’s decision?

The Supreme Court rejected the claim of absolute immunity of Trump, but ruled that he has some immunity for behavior related to his duties as president in the case of federal interference in the elections.

Since he was granted partial immunity, the details of the court’s decision will determine what happens with the charges Trump is currently facing. Judges in the two trial courts where he faces separate sets of federal charges will have to determine How the Superior Court decision will affect your specific cases. As explained CNNthere must be lots of reading and explanation before the full scope of the decision is clear.

The decision to grant partial immunity to the former president will not necessarily have an impact on his conviction on 34 felony counts if hush money, which involves a plan to illegally influencing the results of the 2016 presidential elections.

The liberal judges of the Supreme Court believe that granting immunity to the former president would encourage future presidents to commit crimes without fear of retaliation.

Once we say There is no criminal responsibility, Mr. President. He can do whatever he wantsI am concerned that we have a worse problem than the president feeling obliged to follow the law while he is in office, says the judge appointed by Biden, Ketanji Brown, according to statements collected by The Guardian.

The question of presidential immunity is a unprecedented constitutional issueHowever, the Supreme Court is the highest legal authority from the step, Therefore, the agency’s decision on the issue is final.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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