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This Thursday, September 28, Pascal Praud surprised all his columnists by making revelations about his clothing habits at night on the set of Professional Time. Explanations.

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Bruno Guillon’s burglary particularly shocked the French. On the night of Tuesday September 26 to Wednesday September 27, the host of Each in turn was kidnapped with his wife Marion and his 14-year-old son. The burglars allegedly entered the house by breaking a window in a guest bedroom, located on the ground floor. This morning, Bruno Guillon found his way back to the Fun radio studios and spoke about his terrible attack. “I was the victim of an attack. I learned 2 things from this thing. The first is that you are only as rich as your friends (…) The second lesson that I learned and this- “I’m going to keep it all my life, it’s: you have to wear underwear when you sleep. You never know how you’re going to be woken up in the morning.”, the host confided with humor, this Thursday, September 28. A remark that amused Pascal Praud, this Thursday morning on CNews.

“All naked”launches cash Pascal Praud

“Do you sleep naked? Who sleeps in pajamas?asks Pascal Praud in his show Professional Timeafter watching Bruno Guillon’s testimony on his burglary. “Well yes! How do you sleep?”then asks his columnist, Eugénie Bastié. “All naked”responds cash the host of CNews. “Even in winter? Aren’t you cold?”laughs the columnist, who notes that she is the only one wearing pajamas, unlike her male colleagues. “Well yes. I’m wearing a little T-Shirt. In any case, when I’m with my lover, we sleep naked, adds Pascal Praud. A remark that amused his columnists. “Ah yes, we will really know everything”then launches Gauthier Le Bret, while Eugénie Bastié adds: “you reveal a lot of yourself this morning”.

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A sequence that amuses Internet users

“Bruno Guillon is funny! Coming back to work after what he suffered. The trauma it must be like, it must be scary”, finally comments Pascal Praud, resuming the normal course of his show. The evening before, the host had given the floor to Dominique Tapie; a sequence which was rebroadcast this morning. Back on the set, after the broadcast of an extract from this interview, Pascal Praud comments on the numerous messages he received from his friends. “Are you sleeping in your pajamas? Me naked. It’s the most beautiful sequence of your show, would have sent the journalist Jérôme de Verdière by message. A sequence that gets people talking.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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