Where is Julio Iglesias and what is his life at 80 years old?

Where is Julio Iglesias? What about Julio Iglesias? What is the reason for the silence that surrounds his person? These are some of the many questions asked by followers of the 80-year-old singer, who has been missing from public life for a long time. The only thing that is known is that he is retired between the Bahamas and Punta Cana, where he lives with his wife Miranda Rijnsburger.with whom he has five children in common, and is writing his memoirs that will soon come to light.

Other aspects of your life, such as your health, are one of the great unknowns. A few months ago, American media claimed that The singer was going through a delicate moment of health due to his series of physical and mobility problems who forced him to be confined to a wheelchair. It also came to light that it dragged serious memory problems to the point of forgetting the lyrics of some of his songs and information related to his life.

Rumors that were denied by the singer himself, who exploded on social networks against those who doubted his health and assured that he was in a bad state.. I am very worried about everything that choosing a little time of solitude causes. In an impolite way for those who have made me doubt my health, I would tell them that I am MPD, but for the people who truly love me for so many years, I would tell them that I have never had my mind clearer, writing my memoirs and telling them. I thank you with all my soul for your always affection. I can’t believe so much speculation because I don’t want to do interviews right now.

Since then, The singer has not shared anything about his state of health again.. But why? Beatriz Cortzar assured that she is not feeling the way she would like to be since she announced that she was retiring back in 2011. She feels fine, but she is very professional with her image and she is not feeling the way she would like. meet. He has always supervised their covers, photographs and interviews. He announced in Madrid that he was retiring and is being faithful to his word.

The last public and in-person appearance he starred in was at the 2019 Latin Grammy ceremony when he collected an award. In that same year, the artist gave his last concert in Chicago, and since then, he has not been on stage again. It is worth remembering that The name of Julio Iglesias appeared in tabloid headlines after reacting to the sentimental breakup of Isabel Preysler, his ex-wife, and Mario Vargas Llosa. The singer charged against the famous writer. Mr. Vargas Llosa’s behavior has left much to be desired. A man who has lived with a woman for eight years has to know how to act and control how the people around him act, he stated in an interview with the magazine Hola!.

Julio Iglesias: life remains the same, Telecinco’s tribute to Julio Iglesias

Julio Iglesias returns to television. Telecinco premieres this Monday, December 4 Life goes ona documentary that reviews the life and career of the singer. This format produced by Mediaset España and directed by Joaquín Prat will feature the testimonies of more than fifty personalities from the world of music, politics and society who have had a relationship with the popular artist. What we have tried to do is a tribute to the figure of Julio Iglesias, moving away from the controversy of the tabloid press. We will only focus on his story of improvement, his professional career and the milestones of his life.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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