We all dance with our partners, but sometimes there is a danger

I have repeated, almost like a parrot, that USA We must control the excess of weapons and violence, which is increasing every day. I have been saying this for years, to the point that it is difficult for me to talk about the same thing, because everything remains the same.

We already saw how they tried to kill the former president Donald TrumpIt doesn’t matter which party you belong to, it doesn’t matter who you’re going to vote for. What matters is that there are third world countries that are better off than us. How far will we go?

Gentlemen, we have to move towards peace. The United States is extremely divided, over-armed. There are more weapons here than people, while people are tired of not having money and of the supermarket prices.

Not everyone is thinking as they should. We have to stop this, because people cannot stand one more problem. And when a people lose hope and feel trapped, any spark starts a fire.

We are a country that is supposed to show the world the meaning of democracy and that we are not the disaster we see in the world today. But that is happening less and less. I never thought that at a rally they would try to kill a former president.

We can’t pretend to be crazy and say that it has never happened here. Kennedy was assassinated, and everyone is still wondering why (and by whom). Then they killed his brother. They tried it with Reagan, and he was one of the best presidents the country has ever had. In other words, it’s not true that we don’t have the desire to become the disaster of Latin America, where presidential candidates are killed.

What did we do? Nothing.

And doing nothing, not worrying about what is happening in Latin America and about all those crazy people lining up, leads to them already controlling countries as important as Colombia. Venezuela is still in the hands of Maduro, and so are other serious cases… How far will we go?

Instead of stopping the disaster, we copied it. Trying to kill the possible president of the United States – thank God, it didn’t happen – could have caused a revolution in the country. Let no one play with the masses, or with despair. All this is chocolate, which people can eat at any moment.

We’re fed up. Let’s talk less and start acting, for God’s sake.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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