Who would have won the General Elections in Spain with the vote of the Europeans?

Victory of the PP in the European elections. Los popularled by Dolors Montserrat, managed 22 seats of the 61 representatives that Spain has in Brussels. He PSOEby Teresa Ribera, withstood the challenge and was only two behind her rival with 20 MEPs. From behind, Vox consolidates itself as a third force with 6. summer stays in threethe same as Now Republics (coalition of BNG, Bildu, ERC and the Balearic AraMes) and The Party is Over. Behind, there are We can y CEUS (PNV and Canarian Coalition) with of the each one and close together with only an escape.

With these results, many people wonder Who would have won a general election with these results. As El País reflects, the calculation would have to be made by extrapolating the results by province. It must be remembered that In Congress the seats are distributed by provinceia, while in Europe our country distributes them by single district.

How would the simulation be done?

Therefore, to distribute the seats that would be in the Lower House, the first thing to do is discard is the parties that in each province have not obtained the minimum 3% required to obtain a seat for that constituency. Furthermore, as in Europe ERC, Bildu, BNG, PNV, Canarian Coalition and AraMes present two coalitions, they distribute the seats they have won in the provinces where they do compete in the general elections. For example, the votes that Ahora Repblicas has had in Catalonia are given to ERC.

In this way, with these results, the general elections would have given a panorama in Congress where the bipartisanship would have been greatly reinforced. The PP would have been the first force with 152 seats, followed by PSOE with 131. Vox would be left with 22 seats, while Junts would be the fourth force with 12. ERC (8), Bildu (7), Se Acab la Fiesta (5) and PNV (4) would be behind. Sumar will be the big loser, with only 4 representatives. BNG (2), Podemos (2) and Coalicin Canaria (1) will close the parliamentary arc.

Feijo would be available to be president

As it is, with these results Feijo would be in a position to be president of the Government. The PP-Vox sum would obtain 174 seats, just two away from the absolute majority. A simple abstention from Se Acab la Fiesta would give him the majority necessary to be invested as leader of the Executive.

In this case, Pedro Sánchez will not have the option to reissue the majority he now has in Congress. Adding the same parties that it now has, it would have 170 seats, a figure that would not be enough to reissue the presidency.

The vote in general elections will be different: several reasons

However, it must be noted that the general elections will almost certainly paint a different scenario. First for participation, which historically is much lower in the European than in the general ones. To give a recent example, yesterday 49.2% of the population called to the polls voted, that is, less than half. On July 23, participation was 70.39%, more than 20 points more than this Sunday.

In addition, the vote of European women is considered less important within the Spanish population (the clear example is participation), so a change of vote to another party is more possible, which in a general election would probably not occur. Finally, in general The campaign will be different and the candidates will be different.. The strength of one or another candidate would also be a question to consider.

European election results

Who would have won the General Elections in Spain with the vote of the Europeans?

Result European Elections in Spain | Voting, counting and number of votes by party on 9J.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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