Why is Queen Letizia's name written with a zeta?

There are many Leticias, but the Letizias, until her, could possibly be counted on the fingers of the hands. But these days an old video of an interview with the then journalist is circulating Letizia Ortiz, now queen of Spain, in which she counts in The + plus the reason for this anomaly in his name.

In 72 I had to ask for a certificate from Rome so that I could reach the bishopric of Oviedo, because I am Asturian. The certificate arrived and the civil registry official copied it exactly as it came from Rome, which came with the zeta. And since then, in all official papers I am with the Zeta, said the very young Queen Letizia.

Their gargantuan breakfasts

In addition, the interview leaves another curious moment, even more so knowing how careful the diet of Felipe VI’s wife is. And in the talk with Mximo Pradera and Fernando Schwartz talks about what his breakfasts were like when he presented the morning version of the La 1 Newscast.

As the wife of Felipe VI said, around 3 in the morning hake in sauce or caldillo extremeo was eaten (remember that Alonso Guerrero, the first husband of the now queen, is from there): Because then you don’t eat again until 4 or 5 in the afternoon.

And it works well. In fact, I use my time at those hours to have breakfast and not for other tasks, said the now queen, giving rise to the jokes of Mximo Pradera, who pointed out with a laugh: With the amount of calories that gives Letizia’s close-ups are always sweating, and wiping the sweat.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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