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Guest of BFM Story this Wednesday, September 27, Dominique Tapie spoke on the Netflix series in tribute to her husband and on his financial situation since his death.

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His words have been rare since the death of the man who shared his life for more than fifty years. Dominique Tapie was this Wednesday, September 27, the guest of Olivier Truchot and Alain Marschall in BFM Story on BFMTV. The wife and widow of Bernard Tapie is releasing a new book entitled Bernard, the fury of living published by the Observatory. During her time on the show, she took the opportunity to return to the back-to-school event series on Netflix, Tapie, dedicated to the businessman. The character of Dominique Tapie is played by the actress Joséphine Japy: “I absolutely don’t recognize myself (…) It’s a fiction but I find it a shame to make a fiction (…) But hey, that’s how it is”, thus reacted the widow of Bernard Tapie.

How much will Dominique Tapie earn thanks to the series Tapie ?

For Dominique Tapie, and despite the resemblance between Laurent Lafitte and Bernard Tapie, the biopic does not reflect reality. “It’s well played. There is a dynamic, however, she stressed. But that’s absolutely not it. First of all, I was not an entrepreneur and in the series I am a bit enterprising. Which I am not in life either.” And to add: “What bothered me a little was that he was made to look like an idiot.” On the other hand, Bernard Tapie’s widow will not receive any rights to the Biopic series. “Nothing at all”, she assured. She also spoke about her financial situation since the death of her husband: “I have a lot of friends including Jean-Louis Borloo who housed me for a year. Now my son has taken over. And I live on half of my husband’s salary from the National Assembly.” In other words, the sum of “1,200 euros”.

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Dominique Tapie book “the truth” on her husband Bernard

Not very enthusiastic about the biopic in homage to her husband, Dominique Tapie wishes to rectify the tic with her new book. “Those who have seen the series, I would like them to read my book because there, it’s the truth. I gave a lot. It also served as therapy for me. It’s a book of testimony ( …) He was too stigmatized, too sullied”she confided.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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