You are currently viewing Will Smith grossed over $9 billion at the box office: here are his biggest hits

This September 25, 2023, Will Smith celebrates his 55th birthday! The actor is a Hollywood figure and has had a string of theatrical successes. Here are his three biggest box office hits.

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With a 31-year career under his belt, more than 90 films and series filmed and no fewer than 11 awards to his name, Will Smith is one of the most talented actors of recent decades in Hollywood. The opportunity to pay tribute to him this September 25, 2023, his 55th birthday. The star of Fresh Prince of Bel-air has come a long way since the six seasons of the series which revealed him to the world. While he has also made a name for himself as a rapper, Will Smith is no stranger to blockbusters and has grossed over $9 billion during his long career. The number of emblematic roles he has played is difficult to count on the fingers of one hand, here is why we are going to look back at the top 3 of his biggest successes.

Aladdin, the biggest film of Will Smith’s career

Released in 2019, the live-action remake of the cartoon Aladdin was a real success at the box office. The film grossed $1.05 billion in box office revenue. Will Smith stars as the genie who grants the hero’s wishes, a character created by Robin Williams in the first film. To bring the city of Agrabah to life, construction teams created an open-air replica on a huge paved area in 15 weeks.

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Independance Day, the huge success in theaters

In 1996, Independance Day is released in cinemas and impresses all spectators with its story around an invasion of extraterrestrials. The film reported $817.4 million worldwide, making it the highest-grossing film that year. When Fox bought the script from Rolland Emmerich and Dean Devlin, the studio disagreed with their choice to offer Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum the main roles. The director and the screenwriter fought to impose their actors: “Most of the time the studios don’t agree with you, they always have different ideas. But it also shows that as a director, you have to have guts and assert yourself.” They gave them an ultimatum: “If you don’t want it, give us back our film, we’ll do it elsewhere, you know, Universal is on standby…”

Suicide Squad, lynched by critics, adored by the public

Finally, Will Smith shined as Deadshot in Suicide Squad, a film integrated into the DC Comics universe. David Ayer’s project reported $746 million in global revenue, but unfortunately was not unanimously received by critics. Regardless, Will Smith, as usual, did everything to blend in with his character: he shaved his head and above all undertook training with the Navy SEALS. He trained in shooting with various weapons.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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