Since February 16, M6 has been unveiling its 17th season of Beijing Express subtitled The secret choice, every Thursday evening. Alexandra and Laura, the dog and cat sisters; Xavier the boss, and Céline, his employee; and finally Alexandre and Chirine, the strategist lovers are the candidates still in the running for the semi-finals. This year, the eight pairs, joined by the surprise team made up of Clément and Émeline, traveled through Bolivia and Paraguay and finished the competition in Brazil. During the episode of this Thursday, April 13, the competitors once again had to face their worst phobias. Candidates had to bungee jump from the top of a nacelle 50 meters high!

Beijing Express 2023 : two teams withdraw from the first race!

Faced with their insurmountable vertigo, Alexandra and Laura as well as Chirine and Alexandre gave up, leaving only Xavier and Céline to win the first race and a 10,000 euro amulet, which forced Stéphane Rotenberg to change the rules. Alexandre and Chirine, Alexandra and Laura were therefore sanctioned with a black envelope. For the second race, the semi-finalists had to find tokens in an apartment, but with reverse vision glasses, like bats. The tokens then told them which paint cans to use and one contestant had to attempt to paint a famous canvas and their partner had to guess its author. Alexandre and Chirine, who arrived last in the event, caught up and even won the 2nd amulet of the semi-final.

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Beijing Express, the secret choice : eliminated, Alexandra and Laura give their 5 amulets to Alexandre and Chirine

For the final race of the semi-final, the candidates made a 3km trek while pulling oxen, decked out in a yoke to which a bell was hung, and if the latter rang, they had to stop and wait 1 minute before you can leave. It was once again Alexandre and Chirine who won the race. Xavier and Céline arrived last and received the last black envelope. If Xavier and Céline as well as Alexandre and Chirine had the happiness to discover that their envelope was not eliminatory, alas for Alexandra and Laura, it signed the end of the adventure Beijing Express. A final task awaited the “dog and cat” sisters: holders of five amulets, they had to give them to one of the finalist pairs. Without surprise, they chose their game friends Alexandre and Chirine. “We know that now with our 5 amulets (and three already in their possession, editor’s note) they have a possible 80,000 euros and it would make me really happy if they could win them, and we wish them to win“, said Laura, in tears. On Twitter, the outcome of the semi-final was not unanimous and Internet users again criticized the choice of Alexandra and Laura: “Unsurprisingly, the sisters give their five amulets to Alexander and Shirin“, “They may have made a deal with the couple in case of victory so that they pay them a little piece of the amulet jackpot“, estimated the internet users.

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