He Systemic lupus erythematosus (LES) is a autoimmune, chronic and multisystem disease that can affect any organ system, if the disease is not detected and treated promptly it can lead to further complications, which is why it is essential to communicate about this disease, says Dr. Jessica Eloísa Figueroa Estrada, rheumatologist, member of the Mexican College of Rheumatology ( CMR) and sub-investigator in clinical protocols.

Since 2004, each May 10 is celebrated on world lupus day and is promoted by the World Lupus Federation. It is a coalition of organizations of patients with the disease that seek, with this date, to prioritize health services, increase research on the causes and its cure, improve diagnosis, treatment and epidemiological studies of the global impact of the disease.

Figueroa Estrada shares with El Economista that although in recent years there has been greater dissemination thanks to the foundations that have been created in support of patients, there is still a lot of unknown. “Early diagnosis and timely treatment is what will help us control the disease, however, there is a challenge for it.”

How to identify the presence of lupus?

From the outset, we know that at least 5 million people around the world have some form of lupus, and that it is more frequent in women than in men, it is even estimated that out of every 10 people who suffer from it, nine are women. Although it is not yet known exactly why, there have been studies that speak of hormonal factors or issues related to microbiota.

It is a disease that can affect multiple organs and systems, and generally the condition at first can be so vague that patients may not care or pay attention to it, until the symptom is very evident.

Among the conditions, the most well-known to most people are the manifestations on the skin, the malar erythema that occurs on the face (the area of ​​the cheeks becomes very red due to photosensitivity, but they do not disappear). But like this simple symptom, there are many others that are not seen, such as joint damage, kidney disease, which is one of the organs mainly affected, and among all of these manifestations in the blood, heart, lungs, and brain; hence the diagnosis is not so easy to make.

For now, what the specialist explains is to raise awareness and that, in the event of any obvious symptom among patients, such as extreme fatigue, joint pain, fever processes that are not linked to an infectious issue, manifestations on the skin or renal level, that a first contact doctor be seen and probably a referral to a specialist. Another important factor is the family history with a diagnosis like this.

How is lupus treated?

Dr. Figueroa explains that there are multiple treatments, including immunosuppressants which are the first line in this type of patients, also depends on the manifestations that are presented, “in this way the way of treating is focused”.

Currently there is also a monoclonal antibody (belimumab) the only one approved so far to treat lupus in patients over 18 years of age and whose disease is very active despite having standard therapy. “The rheumatologist who decides on the staggering of treatment together with the patient and always with the aim of reducing organ damage and improving quality of life with greater survival.”

The mechanism of action of the drug acts specifically on a receptor of B lymphocytes that just remains elevated in patients who have Lupus, when these cells are attacked, the elevation of activation decreases and with it decreases the activity of the disease and prevents the progressivity.

The doctor specifies that it is not that there are different types of Lupus, but the manifestations are different, “there is Lupus that only affects the skin, and others affect various organs.”

He adds that having a day to spread the word has also helped the diagnosis, to create a little more awareness with the population so that they go to medical care earlier and the quality of life in the long term can achieve benefits.

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