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Ah, children, we would do anything for them! These are not the Monclas, the new tribe of the show Large families, life in XXL, who will say the opposite, with six more or less grown-up children at home! Emmanuelle Berne, from Dance with the stars, welcomed her second daughter, named Angéline, in mid-September 2023. For his part, Dadju was very afraid for his wife and children, who experienced the earthquake in Morocco. The older our kids get, the more active they can be in the world, like the little princes of Monaco Jacques and Gabriella, who set an example with a good deed in the streets of the Principality in the company of their father.

Who is the main actress of Women of the square ?

Obviously, children make a very good subject for fiction. There are of course the Tuche juniors, who have grown up a lot since the start of the saga. How not to also cite the cult Mom I missed the plane (1990), played by the very young Macaulay Culkin, himself a parent since April 2021? In France, the heroes in short pants also made spectators happy, notably with The War of the Buttons, of which two different and competing versions arrived in cinemas one week apart in 2011! Much younger are the kids Women of the square, a social comedy released in theaters in November 2022 and broadcast this Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 9 p.m. on Canal +. Eye Haïdara shines in this production with very touching characters, in which she plays Angèle, a young woman in an irregular situation pursued by a gangster, who becomes a babysitter in the beautiful neighborhoods of Paris. And meets other sisters in a square that has become a meeting place.

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Where is the square of Women of the square ?

Some works have undergone exotic filming. As Apocalypse Now (1979), whose Dantesque shots took place in the Philippines. Or comedy A perfect plan (2012), for which Diane Kruger experienced a big scare in a nature reserve in Kenya. None of this of course for The Women of the Square, whose plot is inspired by the nanny of the director’s son, Julien Rambaldi. The square in the film, and in the title, is very real, and is located in Paris, in the 9th arrondissement. This is Square Jean-Claude Carrière, located between the Pigalle district and avenue de Trudaine. “I like this contrast, of which Angèle, who carries out her little scams in Clignancourt and will help Arthur to transition slowly towards adulthood, is the link“, explains Julien Rambaldi. “This square draws a symbolic border between two worlds: there we find women of North African, African or Asian origin.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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