
If there’s anything you can brag about Heydy Gonzalez is the beautiful relationship he has with his GalileaJust look at them to know that there is plenty of love and complicity between them.

Cuban actress He shared some photos with the girl on his Instagram that sum up the happiness that the two feel when they are together.

“Your smile is happiness in my soul”wrote the artist in the description of her post that earned dozens of likes from her followers.

In the snapshots you can see Galilea riding a horse on Heydy’s back and their smiles are proof that they were having an incredible time and a lot of fun.

“So much beauty in one photo, they must have all their storage full. It is a lot of beauty”; “They could be more beautiful, they were beautiful”; “They are two drops of water so beautiful and unique”; “Wow! They are both beautiful, and let me tell you that in every new photo you upload, I notice that the girl looks more like you”; “That baby is beautiful, like a mother, blessings,” were just some of the comments left by Heydy’s fans on her Instagram.

Since Galilee arrived in Miami In August of last year, Heydy’s happiness has been infinite.

There is no important date that they overlook, there are always some beautiful photos of mother and daughter that remain to remember.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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