Caroline, Hannah, Magda and Johanna (from right) are participants in the Youth Politics Days in Berlin.Image: watson

On site

Dozens of young people make a pilgrimage in the morning sun along the Spree and past the Chancellery to the House of World Cultures – also known as the pregnant oyster. What drives young people to the government district in Berlin? You want to have a say. Put your finger in the wound. Make it clear what problems they have to deal with right now.

A generation growing up in the midst of multiple crises. The corona is still in the bones and the future seems uncertain due to the climate crisis. The groups of people are on their way to the Youth Politics Days, which are taking place in Berlin this weekend. The young people should work out ideas together in workshops – recommendations for politics on how the young perspective could be considered in various topics.

But before the working group phase begins, the participants still have the opportunity to talk to panelists about youth participation in times of crisis. In addition to the three members of the Bundestag, Emilia Fester (Greens), Max Mordhorst (FDP) and Emily Vontz (SPD), the podium guests also included Florian Bastick from the youth press and Bettina Bundszus, head of the children and youth department in the Ministry for Family Affairs. The discussion that the five have to face is tough.

Florian Bastick (Bundesvorstand der Jugendpresse Deutschland eV) Emilia Fester (Green Youth) Maximilian Mordhorst (Member of the Bundestag, FDP) Emily Vontz (Member of the Bundestag, SPD) and Bettina Bundszus (head of the child ...

The topic of the day: crises.Image: watson

Discussions with Chancellor Scholz

Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) were also present. The two members of the government also had to answer the young people’s questions. Had to take a stand.

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Some of the participants were disappointed with the Chancellor’s performance. “Not much happened in the two hours he was here,” says Johanna. She would have wished that Scholz had been honest. That he would have said in no uncertain terms: what the government is doing is not enough. And, says Johanna, she is not just concerned with the climate crisis, but also with social and socio-political issues.

40th session of the German Bundestag Germany, Berlin, June 1st, 2022: A group of students visiting the Bundestag look with interest at the session in the plenary hall through the glass pane *** 40 ...

At the Youth Policy Days, young people can work on recommendations for the federal government’s youth strategy.Image: IMAGO/Achille Abboud

The other three participants who are standing with Johanna describe it similarly. Although they had fun, they didn’t believe that the event would really have an effect in the end. Carolin is a climate activist, and the question and answer session with Scholz was not specific enough for her either. Nevertheless, she explains: “Ultimately, being here and reacting negatively to the statements is a form of activism.”

Her goal is also to represent the activist side – because otherwise many members of youth organizations or children’s and youth parliaments are also present. It makes sense to be there, so be it. Nevertheless, the four agree: If politicians are interested in young people’s perspectives, they know where to find them. Such a summit is not absolutely necessary for this. Nevertheless, they are happy to be there and to be able to network.

Goal: Development of recommendations for politics

The goal of the event is it that within the working groups recommendations for the National Action Plan for Child and Youth Participation to be developed. A further development of the youth strategy of the federal government. The results will also be published and sent to the federal ministries via the interministerial youth working group.

There are such working groups on all sorts of topics, for example sexual self-determination, climate or youth participation.

But it is not only within the working groups that the young people use the opportunity to debate. During the panel discussion with Fester, Mordhorst, Vontz, Bundszus and Bastick, they didn’t say anything.

But before the discussion and the podium guests can start punching holes, all participants can vote on which crises should be discussed. And there comes a lot: Climate, inflation, war, mental health, education, right-wing extremism, Karl Lauterbach and Corona Management are just a few of the topics raised. But the scheduled two hours are too short to talk about all this.

To avoid interruptions as much as possible, Congress has agreed to gossip in sign language. Hundreds of pairs of hands are therefore repeatedly stretched into the air and shaken. A sign of approval.

The young people stand in queues at the microphones, regardless of whether their own question really fits the topic at hand. The main thing: Take the chance and get rid of what’s on your mind. And that’s obviously a lot. Criticism of capitalism is followed by fear of climate change. The concern about poverty in old age is followed by the demand to finally implement anti-discrimination.

The participants can decide for themselves what will be discussed on the topic panel at the Youth Policy Days.

Climate, war and capitalism: The participants can decide for themselves what to discuss.Image: watson

It becomes clear: there is a lot going on. The guests on the podium listen and position themselves to the questions. They understand the problems, that’s what it looks like. And they take it seriously. All three members of the Bundestag have different approaches – just as it is with the traffic light parties.

If Mordhorst, for example, takes criticism of capitalism as a demand to declare communism, Fester on the other hand insists on more comprehensive basic child protection. Meanwhile, Vontz makes it clear that she wants social issues and inclusion to be considered in all matters. She campaigns for this in the building committee, for example.

Emily Vontz (SPD) is surrounded by participants at the Youth Politics Days

After the debate, participants surround the podium guests like here Emily Vontz (SPD).Image: watson

The two hours that the young people have with the representatives of the Bundestag, as well as Bundszus and Bastick, race away. But afterwards, Vontz, Mordhorst and Fester are still available for questions and discussions. Listen and possibly take away new perspectives.

Speaking to watson, Fester says:

“Every time I meet young people, there is an incredible amount to learn about the realities of their lives. Because none other than young people are the experts in their realities of life, which are just as plural. And accordingly, I take an incredible amount with me.”

She was not surprised that so many different topics were discussed. “Young people are incredibly political and can express themselves on an incredible number of topics and is rightly afraid of the future and also partly of the present,” she says. And continues: “We have to act politically now and that’s why the pressure from exactly such places is very, very important here.”

And Magda, Caroline, Hannah and Johanna are also convinced: even if the recommendations may not be accepted and translated into law, it is Better to be there and have tried than to let this opportunity pass.


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