Heat pumps and oil heating can be cleverly combined in old buildings. How much can you save this way? An expert knows more.

  • A heat pump can also be an alternative to classic gas or oil heating in old buildings
  • In contrast to new buildings, old buildings are often poorly insulated – but installing a heat pump can still be worthwhile.
  • In a video on YouTube, an expert calculates – with his heat pump he saves more than 50 percent of heating oil per year in the old building.

The gas conflict with Russia triggered by the Ukraine war has made energy prices in Germany massive. In 2022, consumers felt the effects of the energy crisis, primarily in the case of fossil fuels such as oil and gas. In the meantime the situation has changed energy market at least a little reassured. Heating oil prices have been on a downward trend since January and gas prices have also leveled off at pre-war levels. Nevertheless, the energy and price crisis, with its record prices, has given many consumers food for thought.

Heat pump in old building: costs and power consumption – expert clarifies a big mistake

Away from classic fuels such as heating oil or gas and rely on regenerative energy instead – that is the idea. When it comes to heating, the heat pump or pellets can be considered as an alternative. The two heating systems can also be combined with an existing gas or oil heating system. In contrast to pellet heating, you get better government funding for a heat pump. However, with the heat pump, the costs and the electricity consumption are significant Comparison to pellets higher.

Consumers in old buildings in particular often ask themselves the question of electricity when using a heat pump. Is a heat pump an option even with poor insulation? Yes – at least that’s what it says Sven Kersten from the Federal Association of Heat Pumps (BWP) in conversation with our editors. Even in old buildings, the costs and power consumption of a heat pump can pay for themselves over the years – the insulation is not the decisive criterion. Consumers can also integrate an existing oil heater into the heating system.

Use oil heating with a heat pump: Expert calculates – save over 1,800 euros

How can that look in practice? And in the old building you can actually get more than 1800 euros per year with a hybrid heating system consisting of a heat pump and heating oil heating costs save on. The YouTuber “Dennis” has several videos on his YouTube channel “everything is possible” dealing with the topics of heat pumps and heating. He lives in an old house from 1976 with poor insulation. Report “” As a mechanical and mechatronics engineer, he also has expertise in the fields of trade and heating. The key data:

house (old building)

Year of construction 1976

heated area

200m2 on 2 floors


Underfloor heating + oil heating + heat pump (from March 2022)


Solar system with an output of 10.5 watts peak (kWp)

building envelope

Walls of 24 centimeter Poroton and roof with inter-rafter insulation

oil heating

Buffer storage of about 900 liters

Even before the heat pump, Dennis used oil heating in his old building and consumed over 3000 liters of heating oil per year. In March 2022, the YouTuber bought an air heat pump in addition to the existing oil heating. “The main goal was to reduce heating costs,” he explains in his Video “Oil consumption reduced with heat pump”. But climate and environmental aspects also played a role. However, Dennis family was able to contact their consumption fuel oil actually decrease so drastically?

A clever combination of heat pumps and oil heating: Dennis has saved so much heating oil

In his video, Dennis meticulously calculates his heating costs. Before installing the heat pump, the family had an average of 3132 liters fuel oil consumed in 2021. As of January 23, 2023, heating oil prices have leveled off at an average of 1.18 euros. Calculated on the 3132 liters of heating oil, this makes costs of 3716.64 euros in 2021. In the further course of his video, Dennis presents the heating oil reduction with the installed heat pump. He was able to reduce his consumption in almost every month between March 2022 and December 2022.

In March 2022, for example, the family used just 32 liters of heating oil and was able to reduce its oil consumption by 87 percent compared to the previous year. “Oil heating was used on very cold and non-sunny days,” explains Dennis. On sunny days, on the other hand, the family only relied on the heat pump for heating and hot water, which is operated with PV electricity from a solar system. All in all, the savings in heating oil are considerable. Especially for the use of heat pump the self-generated electricity was used:

Month Reduced fuel oil consumption

March 2022

– 87 percent

April 2022

– 60 percent

May 2022

– 100 percent

June 2022

– 82 percent

July 2022

– 100 percent

Aug 2022

– 96 percent

Sep 2022

– 73 percent

October 2022

– 87 percent

November 2022

– 53 percent

December 2022

– 20 percent

Total 2022 – 53 percent

Benefit from oil heating and the heat pump: This is how consumers save the most

Dennis: “In total, we used 1669 liters of heating oil.” That is 1463 liters less than last year. Expressed as a percentage, a decrease of more than 50 percent. YouTube openly admits that it is surprised by the evaluation itself. In a second step, he wanted to know whether the Heating oil savings of over 50 percent compared to 2021 is actually due to the heat pump. To get to the bottom of the question, Dennis compared the consumption of the oil heating system with the heat generated by the heat pump.

The result: the performance of the heat pump balances out with the falling consumption oil heating. In times when the heat pump was very active, the oil consumption was constantly low. Dennis adds: “I have set up my heat pump so that it is only operated with PV power from the solar system.” Accordingly, it does not incur any operating costs – while at the same time reducing oil consumption. Hence the tip: In months with a high PV yield, rely on the heat pump and only switch on the oil heating in the winter months and the transitional period.


Lower heating costs and consumption with hybrid heating: these factors must be taken into account

“I found a good concept for myself,” summarizes the YouTuber. The individual can be easily transferred The invoice but not. Everyone has to calculate the individual factors for themselves. In addition, Dennis was able to install and adjust many things himself due to his specialist knowledge. Nevertheless, this example shows that a heat pump and oil heating system can complement each other well. There is even a subsidy for the combination of oil heating with a heat pump – but not the full 40 percent subsidy.

Combining oil heating with a heat pump: these factors should be taken into account

  • building insulation
  • Building size (or area to be heated)
  • Flow temperature of the heat pump
  • Size of the radiators (if there is no underfloor heating)
  • Power supply and costs (question about solar system)

In the individual case of Dennis, the factors fitted perfectly. In addition to the existing oil heating the underfloor heating and a PV system were already in place. The heat pump could thus be perfectly integrated into the existing heating and energy system. The poor insulation in the old building is therefore not of great importance in the sample calculation. The savings in heating oil were all the greater. The favorable factors and the good coordination in the heating system have contributed to this.

Expert sums up the combined oil heating/heat pump: “I will continue to work in the same way”

Dennis in his video: “Both systems are used at the time when they have their advantages.” This also pays off for Dennis when ordering heating oil. Looking at his consumption In 2022, a full 8,000 liter tank will last him 4.8 years. “I have a much longer period of time that I’m independent.” He is glad that they chose this heating system. “I didn’t have to do extensive insulation on the house.” With his solution, he got away with it much more cheaply and didn’t have to carry out any major conversions.

Everyone has to calculate for themselves to what extent a hybrid solution is suitable for other consumers. It should be noted: The costs for a heat pump are significantly more expensive than for gas or oil heating – the acquisition cost only pay for themselves over the years. Whether to buy a heat pump now or wait is a question that everyone has to make for themselves. One thing is certain: the state subsidies for a new heating system are currently good. In any case, Dennis is certain: “It all paid off for me and I will continue to work in the same way.”

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