In the province of Mendoza, capital of Argentine viticulture, it is increasingly clear how YPF Agro has been growing in its services for the sector, particularly in terms of nutrition.

This is demonstrated by the case of Producer Domingo Fazzio, who has his farm in the Tunuyán area, at 1100 meters above sea level. “The wines from here are in great demand around the world,” he proudly introduces.

Fazzio has had a long-standing close relationship with PetroAndes, YPF Agro’s distributor in the area, which began with the purchase of fuel, and now extends to fertilizers. “What I use the most is the triple 19, which works very well in the area,” he shoots.

Bianca Del Popoloan agronomist engineer and technical manager at PetroAndes, points out that the main crops in this area are vineyards, but that there are also fruit trees such as peach, plum, apple and pear, to which are added dried fruits such as walnut and almond trees.

Within horticulture, which also exists, the main ones are garlic, potato, industrial tomato and carrot.


“We try to provide them with the most comprehensive technical advice possible, accompany both producers and agronomists, resolving their doubts with innovation and technology,” explains the distributor’s professional.

For the grape, a key moment is veraison, a process during which it begins to take on its characteristic color. Del Popolo says that it is essential to reach that point with the entire nutrient plan, mainly nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

“It is also super important to have arrived well with the irrigation water, especially in this area, which is essential,” adds the engineer.

The first fertilization is done post-harvest, with the application of the aforementioned formula: YPF Agro’s triple 19 granules.

“This fertilizer falls precisely within the concept of Summa Mix, a mixture that is made to measure, according to the needs of the crop, and then it is complemented with the fertilization that here is called fertigation, because it is applied through the irrigation hoses with liquid fertilizers”, details the professional.

Other blends widely used in the area are 18-46-0, the triple 15 blend, and in the vine there is a great opportunity for YPF Agro’s Urea N-Gradual, the specialists consider.

The nutrition plan is key to achieving a balance between the vegetative and productive parts, reaching a harmony between the concentration of sugars and acidity, which is decisive when it comes to having the quality demanded by the harvest wineries.

On the vine, fertilizer is used from the time it sprouts until just before veraison. After the harvest, the PetroAndes team meets with the farm engineers and puts together a fertilization plan for the following campaign, based on the needs of each one.

“With the engineer that the producer has, we put together a strategy that is adapted to the soil and also to the varieties. Nutrition and irrigation are key, because strong plants are needed, with a developed immune system, in order to also have greater resistance to pests and diseases,” explains Del Popolo.

That is why his recommendation to producers is to place a lot of emphasis on a good fertilization plan, with quality nutrients, in addition to giving the plant the right amount of water when it needs it.

Manuel Clop, manager of PetroAndes, says that it is key for them to maintain an active link with clients through visits from representatives of the firm, as the engineer does.

“We seek to provide solutions to their needs, offering all of YPF Agro’s products and services, in order to add value to their different productions,” he says.

“At Petroandes we are planning a new base in the south of Mendoza, to provide solutions and products to the different clients of the departments in that area,” said the manager.

In its current location, PetroAndes has been working with producers for many years and for the last five years it has offered them the best nutrition and protection solutions for their crops. In fertilizers, they have customers from small to large wineries, always with a service tailored to each need.

In Mendoza, producers, advisors and distributors know that the future of winemaking will be increasingly technological. For this reason, YPF Agro invests and develops solutions that are always at the forefront.


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