You are currently viewing Yvan Attal evokes a "overwhelming experience" during his visit to Serge Gainsbourg’s house

After long years of hesitation, Charlotte Gainsbourg finally made the decision to open to the public the house of her father, Serge Gainsbourg, located at 5 bis Rue de Verneuil in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. Visiting slots filled up quickly, with reservations complete until December 2023. As this home full of family memories comes to light, Charlotte Gainsbourg revealed that she herself took a while to take the plunge, sometimes feeling like an intruder in his father’s house. She spoke about this in an interview with Libération a few days ago. During this interview, Charlotte Gainsbourg returned to her personal memories in her father’s house. She explained: “I got my place in this house, but very late. Between the ages of zero and 9, my sister Kate and I were in the nursery, next to the kitchen. We were of course allowed to cross the living room to reach our bedroom, but if we went around it via the courtyard, we felt that it suited the adults.”

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Charlotte Gainsbourg felt like a stranger within her own walls

Then, she shared a special moment in her story: “It was only from the age of 9 that I discovered rue de Verneuil, a bit like a very pampered only child. But the children’s room disappears. It is walled up. At the time, I linked this disappearance to my mother’s departure, it was quite violent because I didn’t understand why if my mother left, I would lose my room. It was much later that I learned that this room was rented, and that its owner took it back without allowing my father to buy it back from him.” Before opening Maison Gainsbourg to the public, Charlotte Gainsbourg confided that she felt like a stranger within her own walls. She explains why she didn’t dare explore the house further: “It was like he was inviting me into his home. I was grateful, respectful, but so respectful that I didn’t dare be too curious. I was a bit of an intruder, who didn’t allow myself to open anything, and especially not to search. It was like he was watching me pick up a book.”

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Yvan Attal upset after his visit to Serge Gainsbourg’s house

Guest of Click on Canal + this September 26, Yvan Attal, who spoke about his relationship with Charlotte Gainsbourg, returned to his own experience in his father-in-law’s house. “It moved me terribly, upset mealthough I had already had the opportunity to visit this house several times, to have returned with her but there she did something very special because we are already going home alone, since the museum opened”, the actor begins. He continues his story: “I was given a helmet and told ‘go ahead’, I said ‘but am I going home alone?’. Yes, so that’s one thing, going into someone’s house like that all alone with this headset on her ears, and then her voice where she recounts her memories, as a child, in this house, as a child, as a teenager, and then as an adult, until the death of her father, with sounds of era, of him, his voice, indeed when you are a fan of Gainsbourg it is truly an overwhelming experience”, expressed Yvan Attal, who was a “fan” of Gainsbarre. “I listened to my two in-laws a lot before being with Charlotte, I really liked Gainsbourg, obviously, I listen to her more since I was with her because it wasn’t possible to listen to Gainsbourg at home, but yes I was a fan”, he admitted.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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