Zac Efron agrees to play Matthew Perry in a biopic

It will take months for Hollywood to stop hearing the seismic echoes of the earthquake that caused the death of Matthew Perry. The ups and downs that made up the roller coaster of euphoria and sadness that his life was on were recorded in his book, Friends, lovers and that terrible thing. Although the book saw the light of day in bookstores a year ago, its role in the well of addictions has not emerged until now; a leap from the background to the foreground that could take shape on the big screen and that it already had the amen of its protagonist, the one in charge of interpreting the late and beloved actor of Friends: Zac Efron.

Perry had a wish. I wanted to leave a legacy before leaving this world; That’s why he decided to write a book. However, her intention was for her autobiography to also become a film so that the message she wanted to preach would reach more people: the danger of drugs and alcohol. Along these lines, one of the few things he had tied down was the name of the actor he wanted to play him, which was none other than the protagonist of High School Musical. This is how he made it known to Athena Crosbythe woman who was seen next to the deceased interpreter the day before his death.

He said that he wanted to make a movie about his life, that he had worked with Zac Efron in the past on a movie and that he wanted him to play him as a younger version. in a promising biographical film about his life and that he would soon ask for it, Crosby confessed to Entertainment Tonight. And as if the wind carried wills, Efron made reference to the topic during a presentation in Dallas this week at the premiere of his latest film, The Iron Claw. I felt very honored. It would be extraordinary and of course I’m still really devastated that he’s gone. Yes, we will see what happensexpressed the actor.

17 again: a curious precedent

This news has a curious precedent. Efron and Perry had already collaborated on a film back in 2009; It was then a comedy that received the name 17 again (17 again) and that played with the diffuse plot spectrum offered by time travel. Perry played Mike ODonnella 37-year-old former pharmacist who, after a chance accident, becomes a teenager again.


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And it is at that point when Efron enters, playing young ODonnell. The two actors were the same person. At the end of the film they both meet again in a nice print which makes more sense with the last echoes of that fateful earthquake that has been shaking Hollywood for two weeks.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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