On Tuesday April 4, a first misspelled sign during the council appeared in Koh-Lanta, the Sacred Fire. Internet users have noticed this error and hope for new ones to come… Find out which one!

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Every year, Internet users expect a particular sequence in Koh-Lantato be able to make fun on twitter: the one misspelled first names designating the candidate to be eliminated during the council. If the iconic Teheiura (4 participations to his credit in 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2020) has an unusual Polynesian first name which allows approximations (“Téoura” in mind) and he prefers the diminutive “Tehe”, simpler, over the years, other faults are nevertheless scandalous and give rise to smiles. This year, the episode of Tuesday April 4 gave us a first spelling mistake…

Koh-Lanta : the council gave its share of misspelled first names of candidates

This is how some were particularly damaged during their season: Thierry (the magnetizer of the Malaysian season in 2012/2013, who crowned Ugo) became “Therry” by Bernard (himself became “Bernad” and “Bernar “), “Thierri by Bernard or “Tirie“by Philip and”Thyery“by Ugo… It stings! The same year, Javier, became “Javière” by Myriam, Thierry and Bernard (who even pronounces the j in the French way) or even the demonic “Ratviere” by Namadia… And Philippe, champion in all categories of approximate first names, has also transformed Isabelle into “Lisa Belle”… poetic! Kelly has become “buy” with Vincent during the Cambodia season in 2017 won by Frédéric. And there are countless “Jessica“, “Philippe” and another “Charle”…

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Koh-Lanta 2023 : the first name Tania, now “Taina” makes Internet users laugh a lot

This Tuesday, April 4, the young Tania, back in the adventure and that Rudy overwhelmed by voting twice against it thanks to its (real) strategic weapon of hijacking, without succeeding in his bluff, saw his first name scratched. But no spelling mistake on Rudy’s side… On the other hand, the second ballot stripped by Denis Brogniart, contained the correct letters but not in the correct order… An anagram which did not go unnoticed by Internet users and which could well be attributed to Julie, the 33-year-old Parisian! The first name Tania has therefore become “Taina” on the bulletin of the footballer who has already participated in the last Women’s World Cup…

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