Charles III and Camilla join the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings

LONDON.- The king Charles III and the queen Camila visitarn France on June 6 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, Buckingham Palace announced today – May 17.

This will be the 75-year-old monarch’s first trip abroad since it was announced that he has cancer.

Charles III, who resumed his public activities on April 30 while continuing treatment for his illness, will attend a ceremony at the British memorial of Ver-sur-Mer, in Normandy, northwest France, during his visit. according to the palace statement.

Previous agenda of Carlos III

His son William will participate in the international commemoration on Omaha Beach, one of the main landing sites, along with veterans and about 25 heads of state.

The Prince of Wales, heir to the British throne, will also take part in the Canadian commemorations at the Juno Beach Center in Courseulles-sur-Mer, on the English Channel coast.

After three months without public commitments, but without ceasing to perform certain official functions, King Charles III has resumed his public activities at a relatively constant pace.

Before this trip, the sovereign, Queen Camilla and Prince William will also travel to Portsmouth, on the south coast of England, to attend national celebrations of the military operation that contributed to the defeat of Germany in the Second World War.

The Normandy landings, a key stage in the liberation of Europe from the Nazi yoke, were the largest in history in terms of the number of ships that participated: 6,939 ships landed 132,700 men, mainly British, Americans and Canadians, in the French region.


Tarun Kumar

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