Felipe VI: his most critical situations

This Wednesday, June 19, Felipe VI celebrates ten years as King of Spain. The proclamation of him as head of state occurred after the abdication of Juan Carlos I, after 39 years of reign. A period of time in which several key moments stand out. He had before him the challenge of recovering the image of the monarchy, diminished by the cases that affected both her father and other members of the family.

He began his reign with a speech in which defended a renewed monarchy for a new time, as well as a united and diverse Spain. In it, he emphasized the need for citizens to regain and maintain trust in their institutions. He began his reign aware of the responsibility it entailed and with the greatest hope for the future of Spain. He defended the role of the monarchy for its political neutrality and integrative vocationin addition to their duty to maintain integrity, honesty and transparency.


  • On June 19, 2014, Felipe VI was sworn in as king of Spain. Ten years later, we review the physical change of the royal family. In this photo story we review how they have changed over time.

Barcelona and Cambrils attacks

Thursday, August 17. In Barcelona, ​​they took place jihadist attacks between the intersection of Avenida Diagonal and Paseo de Grcia to Plaza de Catalunya. A van traveling at high speed ran over people who were in the pedestrian area of ​​Las Ramblas. 15 people died and more than 100 were injured in Barcelona.

Meanwhile, in Cambrils (Tarragona), on the night of August 17 to 18, a woman was run over and five terrorists were killed after trying to skip a Mossos d Esquadra police checkpoint and run over six people. The 26 August, Felipe VI attended the demonstration called to reject and condemn the two attacks, along with the President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, the Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, and the mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, among others. This brought together more than 100,000 people.

Speech of October 3, 2017

On October 1, 2017, the illegal independence referendum carried out by the Generalitat of Catalonia. The police attacks against the people who went to vote were the main image of that day. That day, the match between FC Barcelona and UD Las Palmas was finally played behind closed doors at the Camp Nou, despite the initial intention of the Catalans not to play the match.

After 48 hours after what happened in Barcelona, Felipe VI addressed the nation with a televised speech at 9:00 p.m.in which he defended the unity of Spain, in addition to his firm commitment to the Constitution and democracy. He sent this message to the Government of the Generalitat. They have been failing to comply with the Constitution and its Statute of Autonomy. These authorities have underestimated the affections and feelings of solidarity that have united and will unite all Spaniards.

Noos case ruling in 2018

On Tuesday, June 12, 2018, the The Supreme Court convicted Iaki Urdangar to five to 10 months in prison for the crimes of continued prevarication and embezzlement, influence peddling, fraud against the Administration and two tax crimes. The Second Chamber reduced the sentence by five months by five months that the Court of Palma imposed upon him when it acquitted him of a crime of forgery in a public document committed by an official.

COVID-19 pandemic in 2020

The government of Pedro Sánchez decreed a state of alarm in Spain to face the situation of health emergency caused by COVID-19extended until June 21, 2020. Together with Queen Letizia, he presided over the act of state tribute to the victims of the pandemic and recognition of health personnel in the Plaza la Armera of the Royal Palace in Madrid.

He addressed the latter in a speech on March 18, 2020. You have our greatest admiration and respect, our total support. You are the vanguard of Spain in the fight against this disease, you are our first line of defense.

Eruption of the La Palma volcano in 2021

On Sunday, September 19, 2021 the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted on La Palma. The destroys more than 200 homes, and various plantations in the nearest towns. A total of 6,000 people had to be evacuated. Those affected received a visit from King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia. There, the monarch not only supported those affected, he also thanked the members of the Army, Civil Guard, National Police, Local Police, Canarian Health Service and the Red Cross for their work.

Trials of Juan Carlos I

During these ten years of Felipe VI’s reign, King Emrito has had to face different legal cases. In 2022, the Court Supreme Court files up to three judicial investigations related to Juan Carlos Idespite confirming a wide range of fiscal irregularities.

Between the proceedings filed and signed two years ago by the State Attorney General, Dolores Delgado, and the Chief Anticorruption Prosecutor, Alejandro Luzn, the alleged collection of illegal commissions by being an intermediary for the works of the AVE to Mecca, the hiding of funds in tax havens, and the use of the front man of Mexican businessman Allen Sangins-Krause.

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and the TS They spent almost years investigating evidence of tax crimes due to international and national businesses in which Juan Carlos I participated directly or indirectly. Therefore, all the proceedings and irregularities committed by the king emeritus could not be guarded, since they were committed before 2014, when he was shielded. by article 56.3 of the Spanish Constitution.

Ukraine and the Middle East (2022-current)

The war in Ukraine and the current scenario in the Middle Eastwith the war between Israel and Hamas, have also been core parts of Felipe VI’s speeches. Ukraine knows that it will continue counting on Spain for as long as necessary. In no way can the crimes committed by the Russian occupation troops go unpunished, he responded to the Ukrainian president, Volodmir Zelensky, last May.

As to Near East, last January he even stated that Without the existence of a Palestinian State, the cycle of violence in the region will not end.. A few words he spoke before 130 Spanish ambassadors in the world, gathered at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Madrid. The tragedy that Gaza is experiencing is shaking the conscience of Humanityas did the terrorist attack that Israel suffered on October 7, the worst in its history.

Amnesty Law (2024)

Felipe VI sanction the amnesty law validated in the Congress of Deputies, promoted by the Government of Pedro Sánchez after the investiture agreement reached with Junts to grant amnesty to the independence leaders prosecuted by the procs. A law that generated controversy in the oppositionas well as in different sectors of society, given that it involves the elimination of crimes committed during the process and the referendum of October 1, 2017.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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