Selena Gmez shares a photo on her Instagram stories and reflects on her change.

CARACAS.- On June 29, the Acoustic Shell of Bello Monte, in Caracas, will resonate like never before, as more than 450 artists on stage will make the audience vibrate with emotion when interpreting the Ninth Symphony Beethoventhe great musical composition of humanity, by the Orquesta Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho.

“The Ayacucho Symphony together with the National Transplant Organization of Venezuela present Beethoven’s Ninth, humanity sounds“, the most ambitious show that has been proposed so far, to celebrate the bicentennial of this symphony that carries a clear message to the world,” the event’s production reported in a statement.

For Elisa Vegas, director of the Ayacucho Symphony, this is the music that unites humanity.

It is the universal cone of the embrace of humanity and Western civilization. We want to leave a mark on our city, a space to question ourselves and an inspiration for the future. We will present a proposal where we will use the four movements of the Beethoven’s Novena Symphony to reflect the man: the mind, the body and the soul, in the first three and in the fourth, the great human embrace, declared the Venezuelan orchestra director.

Artists and organizations involved

Beethoven’s Ninth, humanity sounds It features the soloists Annelia Hernández, Talia Zimmermann, Robert Girn and Gaspar Coln, with the special participation of Teresa Danza Contempornea from the Teresa Carreo Theater, with choreographies by Bernadette Rodrguez and Emrita Garca; and Spotlight Venezuela, led by volunteers from the Voluntary Dividend for the Community.

In addition, the intervention of the Caracas choirs Schola Cantorum de Venezuela (director María Guinand, associate director Luimar Arismendi), Aequalis Aurea (director Ana María Raga), Teresa Carreo Opera Choir (director Deyanira Pérez), Choir of Parents and Teachers Emil Friedman (director María Fernanda Pereda, guest director Cira Parra), Coro Polifnico Rafael Surez (directors Gioconda Cabrera and Leonor Cabrera), and the Orfen Unimet (Director Neleb García), all under the preparation of teacher Guinand.

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Organizations and artists that are part of Beethoven’s Ninth, humanity sounds.

Courtesy/Vanessa Figueroa Ravell

The show will start at 7:00 pm with free admission. Beethoven’s Ninth, humanity sounds It has the support of CAF, Pivca, Grupo BNCI, Movistar, Fospuca and Nanaka Producciones, under the See You in the Concha program of Alcalda de Baruta.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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