Terelu Campos shelves the new Slvame and negotiates his return to Mediaset

Belén Esteban, Kiko Matamoros, Lydia Lozano, María Patio, Chelo García-Corts and Vctor Sandoval are premiering this Wednesday, May 15. Very punctually, at 4:00 p.m., Ni que furamos -Until a few hours ago, Ni que furamos Slvame-, Fabricantes Studio’s new bet for YouTube and Twitch, started on the Quickie channel. A much more hooligan space than its predecessor, the defunct Telecinco program that led the network’s afternoons for fourteen years.

Not even that we were has landed on Quickie with great expectation and with the notable absences of Kiko Hernndez and Terelu Campos. Adrin Cornejo, head of Fabricantes Studio, wanted to clarify during the presentation of Ni that we were the reason why two of the most iconic collaborators of the former Slvame are not in this project. They have been invited and, for different reasons, which I believe they should answer, they have declined, for the moment, to be there, he says.

And I say for now, and I emphasize it, because in one of the two cases, it is quite likely that, he adds. And Adrin Cornejo refers to Kiko Hernndez. Fran Antón’s husband could join Ni que fueremos in the coming weeks, although everything remains up in the air.

One step away from returning to Telecinco

This is not the case of Terelu Campos. Alejandra Rubio’s mother has ruled out being part of this new program in order to negotiate her return to Telecinco; some conversations that are already taking place, as published by Algo Pasa TV. The television will be one step away from becoming a contributor to the second season of Life Without FiltersCristina Trrega’s space in Mediaset.

It is worth remembering that, after the cancellation of Slvame, the program’s most historic collaborators began to join the lists of characters banned from the network. A veto that ended for Terelu Campos a few weeks ago when reappeared on Telecinco to welcome Carmen Borrego after his brief adventure in Survivors.

Currently, the daughter of Mara Teresa Campos She works at RTVE as a talk show host on programs such as Maaneros, by Jaime Cantizano, and D Coraz, by Anne Igartiburu and Jordi Gonzlez. He was also a contestant on Bake off: Baked celebrities with other faces that left Mediaset in recent months such as Alba Carrillo or Roco Carrasco.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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